This Giveaway is now CLOSED.
I was first introduced to Rebecca of Better Life Bags when my friend Brittany gifted me a set of her 31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband cards last Christmas. I love them and use them to pray for my husband on a regularly basis. So when Rebecca contacted me to review her 42 Weeks of Pregnancy Prayer Cards I was thrilled.
These cards are simply wonderful!!!!! There are 38 cards that cover the 42 weeks of pregnancy (weeks 1-4 and 41-42 are together). Each week a different developing part is highlighted. For example, week 13 focuses on the baby's improved breathing in utero. There is a cue that encourages you to pray that he/she will allow God to breathe the breath of life into him/her.
I can remember being pregnant with my son. One moment I was filled with so much joy, and the next moment I was worrying about his health, his growth, and his future. Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but it is also a time that can be filled with fear and worry. These prayer cards can help you focus on the growth of your little one all while entrusting him/her to the LORD.
I have found that specifically praying God's Word over people leads to inner peace and that is the focus of these prayer cards. Not only does each week focus on a developing part of your baby, but Rebecca uses Scripture to provide a prayer cue that coincides with that developing part.
The 42 Weeks of Pregnancy Prayer Cards would make an excellent gift for all of your pregnant friends or for your future pregnancies. I just printed two sets of the cards and sent them to two friends who are pregnant with their third child. I hope to use them for myself in the future.
These prayer cards are bright and colorful. They are well organized and accurately follow your babies development in utero. They not only provide a sweet prayer for your child, but it is fun to think about how your baby is developing from week to week.
How 42 Weeks of Pregnancy Prayer Cards work:
- $8 includes the digital download (zip file) of 38 Prayer Cards in 12 different designs
- The file is emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase
- Download the file to your computer and unzip the file
- The prayer cards are high resolution and can be printed like regular photos. I had my two sets printed at CVS and they looked GREAT!!!
- If printed as a 4X6 photo they will easily fit in a small photo album and make for a wonderful gift.
- Feel free to gift the printed cards as many times as you choose, but out of respect for Rebecca please do not share the download links with anyone.
In addition to the 42 Weeks of Pregnancy Prayer Cards, Rebecca sells a variety of custom handmade bags in her Etsy shop that I would highly recommend. I must take a moment and brag on Rebecca and her husband for following their heart and Jesus' call to serve the poor. They are working to enrich the lives of people through living a life of service to Christ. You can read more of their story and how they are supporting the poor through their NOT FOR PROFIT business at Better Life Bags.
Rebecca is kindly offering 5 Packs of 42 Weeks of Pregnancy Prayer Cards to my readers. Yes, you read that correctly.........there will be 5 different winners, which will lead to hundreds of WONDERFUL gifts for all all of your pregnant friends and family members.
Visit Better Life Bags and tell me which custom bag you would like to give as a gift."Like" Click.Pray.Love on FacebookTweet about this giveaway
This giveaway is open to all people 18 years or older. The giveaway will end Monday, December 5th at 11 a.m. eastern time. A winner will be selected using and announced Monday evening. Please provide an email, so you can be contacted if you are a winner. If prize is unclaimed after 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen using
I was provided with a digital download in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
The opinions expressed here are entirely my own as I would not endorse a product I do not support and use myself.
I love the Maggie or Nicole - those both look awesome...and I really want some of those prayer cards. :)
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What a wonderful ministry! I use my How to Pray for Your Husband cards everyday. These are great!
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I like The Brynnda. The tissue covers are pretty awesome too. :)
I really like the reusable bags! I know a lot of mommas (including me) who would love them!
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What a neat way to pray more specifically for the tiny miracle within you!
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Her picnic package is adorable!
I absolutely love these cards! They are a wonderful idea, and so pretty!
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I tweeted!
All of Becky's bags are lovely, but if I were able to buy one, I would get the reusable snack bags. I know those would come in handy with all my kiddos.
I would have loved to have these for the pregnancy of my daughter! (even though I prayed for her all the time in general) Maybe for future pregnancies! Like you said, they would also make great baby shower gifts for my other pregnant friends! Great idea.
This is a really neat giveaway!
I think I would give the Carla (the Slouch bag) or the Clara (the Reusable Market Tote Bag) as a gift (those are practical AND so cute even when folded up!!)
I "Liked" Click. Pray. Love. on Facebook!
So glad I found you! Looking forward to reading your blog in the days to come!
Oooo clearly I need these :)
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I love the Elizabeth tote. One can never have enough totes!!
The Clara!!!! Or the Emily which I have already purchased for myself
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Love Rebecca and love this giveaway!
What a fantastic gift for any pregnant woman! My sister is pregnant with twins so if I don't win I will definitely be buying these for her! Wonderful! Thanks for sharing!!
Of course I already "like" you on FB :O)
I love the reusable bags!!
new follower on fb!
tweeted! @natsknapsack
This is def my favorite!!!
Liked on facebook :) New fan!
I tweeted!!!
Oh, I have several pregnant friends who could use these cards. Great, great idea.
Thanks for hosting, Amber.
Those are wonderful Amber. I sure hope I get to use them in the future, Lord willing.
I just liked you on the FB. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Amber. Thought of you guys when we were in Orlando and figured you were elsewhere for the holiday.
What a wonderful idea. Where were these things when I was pregnant? Awesome!
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I had some scripture on note cards while I was in labor, but I never thought to do prayer cards throughout my first pregnancy!
I've already liked you on facebook.
I love the maggie!
Just tweeted about this giveaway!
Would love this collection - I mean...since we hope to have a baby next year and all. :)
What a great idea! The cards are beautiful! I would give away the "Convertible Diaper Back" because I could give it away as a diaper bag with the pregnancy prayer cards.
I also "like" you on FB already ;)
I really like The Lydia... I would love to use that as my diaper bag. :]
Already like you on FB. :]
Oh... and these would make a wonderful gift for my friends who are trying to get pregnant!
What a unique gift! Would love to have one to pass on!
That is such an incredibly awesome gift to give a pregnant friend or to keep for myself:) Seriously, how awesome that she came up with that and I love how colorful the cards are! Darling!
I love the maggie and freitas bag!! So darling!
I love this idea! These are really cool!
I would love to get one of her backpacks! then you would always know what one is yours!
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I love the Maggie.
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I love the alicia!
What a neat idea with the prayer cards! I love them!
I love the Brynnda!
I like you on Facebook :)
I love the Maggie bag.
Laurasu82 at
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