Tuesday, October 18, 2011

31 Days of C.S. Lewis Quotes: Day 18, Forgiveness

Day 1: Love Your Neighbor
Day 2: Atheist to Christian
Day 3: Pride
Day 4: Christian Home
Day 5: Marriage
Day 6: Truth
Day 7: God's Voice
Day 8: Wisdom in Waiting
Day 9: Hell
Day 10: Worship
Day 11: Worry
Day 12: Modern Christians
Day 13: Legalism
Day 14: The Screwtape Letters

Day 15: Blind

Day 16: Materialism


Anonymous said...

This has been such a joy to me personally, Amber. Thank you. I'm featuring my favorite book of his tomorrow.

xoxo michele

Anonymous said...

this one just stunned me (in a good way) i struggle with forgiveness sometimes and i hold onto feelings when i shouldnt have. I need to remember to let things go!