Saturday, April 30, 2011

Favorite April Photo

My friend Courtney over at Click It Up A Notch has decided to start hosting a monthly photo contest.  It is really a challenge, as she is encourage us to post our favorite photo taken during the month of April with hopes that we will be able to see how our photos have improved.  She and I (along with NapTime MomTog) currently host a quarterly link where you can post your Top 5 favorite photos of your children, so this should help you narrow those photos down for next quarter (which will be June 30th.)

Many of you have seen this photo HERE, but this is by far my favorite photo taken in April. 

Click it Up a Notch


Shannon said...

peek a boo - so CUTE! I can see why its a favorite!

Casey Martinez said...

this shot is darling!! Glad you entered it!! I wanna get one like this of Daisy but, of course getting her to stand by a dresser long enough to take a shot would be quite lucky;0. Soooo great job!!

Kindra said...

I love this one too!! His face is so sweet in it - and I love his little shadow on the cabinets. And his outfit is adorable :)

karren said...

I like this one and his little shadow/reflection, too

Charmaine Poulin said...

awwwww, LOVE this shot!!!! I can see why it's your favorite!