Friday, April 29, 2011

Journey of Faith Friday: Words of Others

Amber's Articles

Words.  Words spoken. Words written.  Words are powerful.  Poured forth on a page, spoken from the lips they can evoke all kinds of emotion.  

This week, I have found myself captivated, challenged, and comforted by the words of others.  When I have struggled to find words of my own I can always share the words of another.  

  • Is God Good?- In the face of tragedy Dana is able to focus on God's goodness.

  • Love Sees the Big Circle- In the aftermath of the deadly tornadoes Craig speaks of how we can shut out the reality of life around us.

You can read previous Journey of Faith posts HERE.

Every Friday, I post about the work God is doing or has done in my life, as I journey on this road of faith.

How is God working in your life as you journey with Him?

Are there any posts they have blessed you this week?

Would you consider sharing it with us today?

If you decide to share...enter the URL to your exact post below.  If you join, please help us find one another by sharing the "Journey of Faithgraphic within your post.

Amber's Articles


Casey Martinez said...

Awesome that you have found other people and posts that are inspiring and stirring you this week and thank you for sharing that with us so we too can be blessed! I have my momma in focus link up on Friday which makes it hard to post for this but, if your link stays open maybe I will make a habit of linking up on Saturdays when I can? Happy Friday to you friend!! xo

Traci Michele said...

I like your new blog look!

<3 Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations

Carolina said...

I would love to start up again with journey of faith fridays- once I get into a routine here at home, I am hoping to find more time to be online. not sure how you do it, but you do a wonderful job of keeping up with your blog!