I am thankful:
April 25, 2011
2401. for being fully present during many of today's activities
2402. for one open mouth kiss after another (from little B)
2403. for stop lights and rules of the road
April 26, 2011
2404. for getting out of bed for an early morning workout
2405. for a little boy leaning towards me with open arms
2406. for friends gathered in my home and children playing in my floor
2407. for bean sprouts that are almost ready to be picked
2408. for an evening playing cards and talking with Sam
April 27, 2011
2409. for climbing into B's crib to hang out with him this morning
2410. for a beautiful day to spend at the fountains with friends from B.S.F. (and their children)
2411. for a focused time of reading
2412. for Clorox wipes
2413. that Sam offered to take B for a walk, so I could rest for a few minutes
April 28, 2011
2414. to have claimed a spot, in my home, for time spent with the Lord
2415. for peace like a river that flows, as I stand over my sleeping son
2416. for my family's protection during the tornados
2417. for the box B received from my parents today
April 29, 2011
2419. for a wonderful birthday celebration for my nephew Eli
2420. for the contagious joy of children
April 30, 2011
2421. for Eli's witty, larger than life personality
2422. that we were able to watch Isaiah play a few innings today
2423. for a long, enjoyable evening out with my husband
2424. for a delicious dinner and continuation of memories made at Gaetano's
May 1, 2011
2425. for another year celebrating my sister on her birthday
2426. for the a cool morning which led to a relaxing trip to the beach
2428. for advice, encouragement, and useful information from my in-laws
Once again - so many beautiful beautiful shots!
Beautiful blessings and thankfulness !!!!
Wonderful list - so many things to be thankful for! And I love all of the pictures!! My favorite is he one of Chrissy with Anlon, Bennett and Jack - absolutely precious. I'll be saving that one :)
Amen to 2412! So many blessings--your kids are adorable!
Great photos. Lots to be thankful for. love your new header.
Awesome pictures! Love that one of him opening the box. The eyes just tell all!!!! Beautiful list this week. Always, always enjoy coming here!
What a fun and blessing-filled post!! a great reminder of all the little things and what really matters!
You are so far into your gift counting... how wonderful! Your little guy is so adorable. Beautiful photos. :)
I am just getting a chance to comment on this, I love the picture you took of everyone on Tuesday. and I love the pictures of the beach, Bennett looks pretty cool in those sunglasses! :)Great list.
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