<div align="center"><a href="http://ambocullum.blogspot.com" title="Amber's Articles"><img src="http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx298/ambo14/QuarterlyTop5Sept11take2.gif" alt="Amber's Articles" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Let's get the party started!! I know this quarter will be full of fun summer and back to school photos and I can't wait to see them. Without further ado, here are my top 5 photos of my son from the 3rd quarter in no particular order.
B is 18 months old today, so I had a goal to capture at least 2-3 photos that were more like portraits and less like snapshots. That is not an easy task when I rarely can get him to look at the camera or stand still for more than 2 seconds. However, thanks to my caterpillar shutter buddy, he looked right at the camera and gave me this sweet little grin and I LOVE IT!
The remaining 4 shots are just snapshots, but they are representative of our life this summer. B has spent many, many days playing on our back porch in his kiddie pool. I love his squint and the bright sun falling on his face...I have also enjoyed comparing his face in this photo to the photo above (3 months in the lives of little dudes sure make a difference).
In July, a few of the girls that were a part of a high school small group I led several years ago spent a week at Sand Key Beach. It was such a joy to visit with them and to introduce them to my son. Not only was their visit a treat, but Conni (one of the mother's) generously offered us a free week's stay at the condo they had rented (they had to rent it for two weeks, but were only able to stay for one week). We had an ocean front view and Bennett had an absolute BLAST playing on the quiet beach in the evening.
He loves to lay on his back in the water. When the waves come, he quickly flips onto his stomach to avoid getting water in his face. This only accurate about 70% of the time :)
The above photo was taken the morning of my maternal grandmother's funeral. My dad was chasing B and my nephew around and having so much fun with them. It reminded me of all the times my dad, my granny, and my papaw played with my sister and I. So much joy. So much LAUGHter.
Now it's your turn.
Show off your TOP 5!
Show off your TOP 5!
Link up here, @Click It Up A Notch, or @NapTime MomTog
(Be sure to head over and check out their entries)
(Be sure to head over and check out their entries)
Here's how it works:
- Go through the photos you've taken during July, August, and September 2011
- Choose 5 and post them on your blog or flickr account now through Wednesday, October 5th
- Please only use photos that include your CHILDREN and/or PETS
- Accompany each photo with a short explanation of why you chose it
- Link up here at Amber's Articles, Click It Up A Notch, or NapTime MomTog
- Include the banner or button (found below) in your post. If the banner or button is not there you will not be eligible to win one of these FABULOUS PRIZES.
Grey Owl Shutter Buddy
After Nine to Five Camera Necklace
Rock the Shot- 6 month forum subscription
Pretty Presets- Back to Basics Collection

A BIG thank you to our sponsors!!! Please take a moment to visit the links found above.

<div align="center"><a href="http://ambocullum.blogspot.com" title="Amber's Articles"><img src="http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx298/ambo14/Top5Button125x125.gif" alt="Amber's Articles" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Remember this is not a photo contest. The winners will be chosen using random.org. Be sure to join us again in December for the end of the year Top 11 of '11.
We have some AWESOME prizes that you won't want to miss. A popular photo workshop....WINK, WINK!
Look how much B has grown! I've been so busy I didn't even realize that it's time for sept quarterly top 5 already. I'll be linking up soon. I've always loved this linkup. Thanks for hosting!:)
I love the toes being munched shot and the laying flat in the water. hehehe too cute!! Also, glad you put that one with you in! I think that shot is priceless!! I'll have to go look through my pics and figure out my fave top 5!
Love the black and white and Grandpa playing with him such sweet memories. I too loved 18 months! We would spend hours at the zoo and sea world. I'm enjoying the season we are in now but I miss that age =)
That first one of B is just fantastic! Look at that amazing eye contact and those catchlights! It's great to capture images of your life! That one of him laying in the water is too funny! He looks like he is having a blast and that last one! Too funny!!!
I love the first one! Love the eye contact and the expression.
Still love the first one - I'll be linking up on Saturday I think.
You sold me. I am now the proud owner of a Shutterbuddy. :)
I love that beach photo that is so cute and funny!
I love them ALL! :) The one at the beach gets me every time! I just can't get over it! And the one with your dad brought tears to my eyes! Such great photos!
I love them all. Gorgeous shots!! That first one is great.
He is soo adorable :) Gonna enter my fur-kiddo into this :D
Oh my goodness!! he is just adorable!! all of these shots are just great!!
I love love love love love that Shutter Buddy!! It's just what I needed when I took photos of a babe who was just not gonna smile for me! :) Have to enter this. Hopefully tomorrow! (Oh the little man? ADORABLE!)
Oh his little face makes me so happy, he is just adorable! I love the one of him laying down in the surf! My little man loves to lay on his back in the bath tub, he think's it's hilarious haha!
Gorgeous Amber, love your first one, such great eye contact and beautiful in B&W.
such good top five choices. that top portrait is beyond precious. love B's eyes in that shot!
Love them all, Amber! He is so cute.
Great photos as always! Been trying to link up this morning, but it's not letting me. I wonder if it is too busy. Will try again later. :)
Great link ups, and you have some wonderful photos!
Like Katy said, bee trying to link-up but it isn't working :(
I love the picture with your Dad! My mom does this same thing with my little one, pretending to eat her big toe.
Thanks for linking me up, Amber! :)
Oh, Amber, B just keeps getting more and more adorable. :) The shots that you have selected are so sweet. I love that one with your dad and the one of B lying down on the sand... I love your b/w portrait of him, too!
The first photo is just wonderful! The expression on his face is so precious!
Too cute Amber- what I love the most is that he always looks so very happy!!!
Love the beach photo! Thanks for hosting the link up.
Oh my goodness!!! Your little man is so adorable!!!!
Amber - thank you so much for the comments on my blog. Yes, I am most definitely okay with a share.
Bennett is such a cutie! Love the shot of him laying in the water!! Also love his little face looking up at your camera in the fist one!!
great pictures. I love the one of him in the water, his expression is priceless
I had a little giggle at the beach shot... my favourite but they are all very cute!!
I'm REALLY late to the party but I just found this through Deb at Deb Duty and wanted to join in. Thanks for hosting this!
And your little guy is SO cute!! :)
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