C.S. Lewis Quotes
Today, I do not have a personal post for you, but I did want to share a few C.S. Lewis quotes that may resonate with you.
Oh that one will make you think.....especially if you have been taught, as I have been taught.
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I adore C. S. Lewis, thank you for the reminder of some of my favorite words!
Man, CS Lewis was such an incredible writer. I read each of these and just marveled at how beautifully he wove words and stories to create such strong points. God has and is still using him mightily!! The love one especially stirred me. I love how you make these...do you do it with scrapbook backgrounds in photoshop??
Great quotes from a great writer and thinker. The one about love is very convicting. Thanks for posting these. Blessings!
Just the other day I kind of said this random prayer that God would give us a CS Lewis type person for our generation. I long for someone with a brilliant mind and a loving heart to speak wisdom into some of the maddening moral issues we are facing in these times.
Every time I read something he wrote, I want to read more. I especially love the quote you included about failure. I think I'll post that one somewhere so I'll see it often. Thanks so much for sharing these.
I {HEART} CS Lewis!!
Thank you for these quotes, Amber!
I agree heartily with all of you - C.S. Lewis' writings help me GREATLY in my thinking and every time I read or hear a snatch, I want to read more and to keep his words before my eyes.
The line that has stuck in my mind this past month challenging the scientific reductionism that keeps trying to claim foundation role in my thinking is from The Voyage of The Dawn Treader when the children are talking with Ramandu, a wise Old Man who is "a star at rest" (as opposed to retired). He has just told them how his strength and youth is being restored so he can once more "take [his] rising and tread the great dance".
"In our world," said Eustace, " a star is a huge ball of flaming gas."
"Even in your world, my son, that is not what a star is but only what it is made of."
I've just finished Louis Markos' book: Lewis Agonistes: How C.S Lewis can Train Us to Wrestle with the Modern and Postmodern World.
He draws from many of C.S. Lewis writings and is helping me, to step back and get perspective on the modern and postmodern ideologies that underlie and dominate so much of our age's thinking that they've been difficult to separate or challenge in much of my "philosophical struggles".
Its not a book you can read easily at stop lights, but it is not a hard read for the person hungry for "thinking help". Amber, I had on my to do list to get you chapter 4, "Wrestling with Evil and Suffering". , and Amanda's comment makes me think she should get her hands on this book.
These are fantastic! C.S. Lewis was a genius. I love anything he's written. Your blog is lovely, Amber!
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