A few weeks ago I experienced a few days where I really missed my sister, my friends in Kentucky, and my old roommates. I don't know what it is, but it seems to happen around this time every year. I think it is the summer. I know that sounds crazy, because the summer is supposed to be the best time of the year. Well, if you live in South Florida, summer elicits a response similar to the northern winter (at least for me). At any rate, while experiencing these days of loneliness I decided to look up and write down all of the Bible passages containg the word "HOPE."
Reading these verses. Writing them down. Meditating on several of them brought me much peace, joy, and believe it or not "HOPE." Peace that God provides exactly what I need when I need it. Joy that there is hope is Jesus Christ. Hope that this season will pass.
I wanted to share a few with you:
I am linking up with Scripture and a Snapshot.
You can read previous Journey of Faith posts HERE.
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<div align="center"><a href="http://ambocullum.blogspot.com/p/journey-of-faith-friday.html" title="Amber's Articles"><img src="http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx298/ambo14/journeyoffaithfriday2-1.gif" alt="Amber's Articles" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I understand the feeling although most of my friends and family live close by (the heat I completely understand). I find that when I have these moments that God finds me and sends me exactly the message I needed. He's got my back like that. :)
I love this post, those photos and verses. Absolutely gorgeous!
My mom prayed the first verse over me a couple nights ago and I know it well. I know exactly what you mean and how you feel...well, ,maybe not exactly but, more or less and I cannot think of a better thing to fill your heart and mind with than promises of God's hope. This was just what I needed this morning thanks friend! xo
LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos with verses. You are oh so talented my friend and I would like to have those framed in my house. I do feel that this is a hard season with the weather and our boys needing to be outside playing.
These are gorgeous and perfect for each verse. My favorite is the one with Romans 15:4 - I love how you arranged the verse and the HOPE. You could truly put these on etsy for sale if you wanted to :)
I'm assuming that Sam is one in the last picture, navigating the rocks. I had an epiphany once navigating the unsteady rocks of the shoreline. That's my favorite picture I think – that one and the daisy. I'm doing a series on Deep into Scripture about "works". I call works "daisies" – because "works" has such a bad rap. I use tons of pictures of daisies – if you have more – I'd heart using some of yours and of course link back to this site of yours that I heart so much. Let me know :-) and as always, God bless and keep you, and Sam, and the baby.
beautiful words.. many that I cling through with each and every move we have had..It is hard ot be away.. and glorious at the same time!
Beautiful, amazing and definitely hope-filled! :)
lovely, amber. :) i 'pinned' one of your snapshots - reading through these was water to my soul. i've been missing some of our old friends that we've met along our life journey lately as well.
i'm so weary of moving and starting the whole community building all over. this next year may bring yet another move if employment opportunities do not improve in our present location. time will tell. in the mean-time, happy i can rest in the un-limited HOPE (in ALL things) i can find in Jesus.
Beautiful verses Amber and our hope is in the Lord here too. I can so relate to this - we live in a different country to the rest of our families and we only see each other about once or twice a year.
Gorgeous Scripture verses to lovely photos!
Love all of your photos with the scriptures...just awesome!
What a great idea! To look up the Scriptures on HOPE to shore yourself up during a down time.
I love the way you have illustrated the Scriptures. My favorite photo is the flower. Elegant. And my favorite verse is Psalm 130.5 although I like Psalm 42.5 also which is with the flower.
Your photos and verses have blessed me abundantly.
All of these pictures and verses are beautiful and perfectly paired. Thank you for sharing these!
Funny, I'm reading this as yet another storm rolls across our state, bringing tornadoes and hail, while the south is begging for rain. I really needed this reminder of hope, thanks!
These pictures and scriptures are beautiful!!! I absolutely love the HOPE one and the Isaiah 40 one. Gorgeous!!!
I really enjoyed this post, I seem to be missing my friends and family back home and this really lifted my spirit. I love each photo and scripture chosen. Thank you for sharing.
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