I am thankful:
April 11, 2011
2336. for being eye to eye with my son
2337. for conversation and answered questions all through my words and B's pointing
April 12, 2011
2338. for hope
2339. for belief
2340. for the kind gentlemen at the SS office that said, "Keep smiling!"
2341. for how sweet and well behaved B was at the SS office
2342. for the canned goods I use that came from my granny's garden
2343. for rest for the weary
April 13, 2011
2344. for God using a B.S.F. group member to encourage me
2345. for clean floors and time to clean them
2346. for two nights of good conversation with Sam
2347. for bold red flowers
2348. for my sister's brokenness over my granny
April 14, 2011
2349. for rough mornings that develep into pleasant afternoons
2350. for Sam's call to ask us if we wanted to have lunch
2351. for curious wonder
2352. for B admiring and following his cousins
2353. for the power of testimony
April 15, 2011
2354. for a child's enjoyment of all things water
2355. for wildflowers
2356. for new summer shorts
2357. for sun kissed skin
April 16, 2011
2358. for bright spots during days when I feel overly stressed
2359. for B's joy while playing at the pool
2360. that we have an I.R.S. (even if I'm struggling with their inefficiency)
April 17, 2011
2361. for the young boy dancing in the isle during worship
2362. for the little girl braiding her momma's hair
2363. for public faith professions
2364. for observing numerous acts of baptism
2365. that sometimes church is just the refreshment I need
2366. for a house full of napping Cullum's
Love that picture of Bennett's grin in the water thing!! :)
What a cutie! Great list, I love how difficult mornings can change:) thanks for sharing.
Oh my goodness --- what a CUTIE PIE!!!! Beautiful list!
I have some free Easter / "He Is Risen" blog buttons if you would like one to display on your blog during Holy Week! They are on my blog and free to anyone who would like one. :-)
Celebrating His resurrection,
Such a great list today! Felt a lot of that building stress, then the release God gives. Isn't His grace just wonderful that way??? Love that little thingamagig your little one is sitting on with the water spray. How cool is that????? Thanks for posting your gratitudes again this week. It was great to have been here!
That boy of yours just keeps getting bigger and broader and bigger and broader – WOW. And my fave from the list this week Amber? 2358. for bright spots during days when I feel overly stressed (and know that I just finished praying for you – we all need those bright spots – like floaties – or those lane dividers in the picture – something to hang onto when we’re sinking – I hear you – and I am really thankful for the chance to pray for you!!)
God Bless you and Sam and the baby.
beautiful post!! Baptisms are such powerful events, not just for the one being baptized, Such a privilege to witness God's power in another person's life. We have a baptism service planned for this sunday. I'm so excited. How cool to be baptized on Easter?
Your little boy is such a cutie pie and what a smile. You have a wonderfull list of gifts to be grateful for. Thank you for reminding me of more things I need to say thank you for too.
Have a wonderful week.
Your little boy is such a cutie pie and what a smile. You have a wonderfull list of gifts to be grateful for. Thank you for reminding me of more things I need to say thank you for too.
Have a wonderful week.
Your little boy is such a cutie pie and what a smile. You have a wonderfull list of gifts to be grateful for. Thank you for reminding me of more things I need to say thank you for too.
Have a wonderful week.
Wonderful list... I am looking forward to putting kiddie pool in our backyard, it looks like Bennett was just having a blast with it! :)
Looking forward to seeing you tonight.
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