Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 11 of 2011 Link Up

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Click.Pray.Love."><img src="" alt="Click.Pray.Love." style="border:none;" /></a></div>

To those of you joining us for the first time, WELCOME (you can find all of the details and prizes at the end of this post)!!!  To all of the others, WELCOME BACK!!!  It is always fun to look back at photos I have taken of Bennett, but WOW, going back to January was so enjoyable.  He has changed so much over the last year and grown so much.

Just for fun here is the link up from 2010.  It was difficult to choose only 11, but here they are in no particular order:

1.  I took photos of our family on our front porch on January 16th and I absolutely adored them.  I have yet to capture another set of us that I like as well.  I think a lot of that has to do with my active child :)

2.  I took this photo for a backlighting assignment in February.  This photo brings back so many memories of my boy when he was just learning to stand independently.  He always stuck his tongue out.  Look at those cute chubby feet.

3.  Believe it or not this photo was also taken in February during one of our visits to the beach.  There are definitely advantages to living in South Florida.  For starters, we can visit the beach any time of year.  Bennett loves everything about the beach.

4.  He had just learned to walk and was taking a break and cheesing for the camera here.  This photo was taken in early spring.  He had just turned one a few weeks prior.

5.  If you have spent any time on my blog you have probably seen this photo.  It is one of my all time favorite photos, so I had to share it again.  B had been painting with his cousin Isaac at Grandma's house.  It is a good thing I had my camera or all of this painting may have stressed me out a bit.

6.  Hehehehehehehehehe...........We were at the park and I was practicing some long exposure shots.  After a little practice, I went to find a wet B running around in only his diaper.  He and daddy were having fun in the fountains, but it wasn't long before momma's camera gear became the newest toy

7.  This photo was taken in June and was a complete accident.  I was hosting Zander for the weekend, so we were out showing him around Tampa when I happened to snap this photo of my two boys looking straight at the camera.  I must say I adore this photo, as they look so handsome.

8.  B was 18 months old in this photo and it speaks volumes about his personality at that stage.  Fingerprints covering windows that were (are) frequented by a little boy watching garbage trucks, delivery vans, and mail men.  Tiny container in hand with a rock inside.  He's been exploring and and look at his intent gaze.  

9.  I took this photo after a picnic we shared at one of our favorite locations, Davis Islands.  I just love the light, B's expression, and his love for his daddy.

10.  I took this photo (among many others) for his dad's birthday.  At first, I ignored this photo due to the background distractions, but I kept coming back to it.  Not only do I love his expression, but this is one of those photos I look at and think of a boy that will soon become a man.  If he is as wonderful as his father, I will be a proud momma.  

11.  This one sums up my boy and his current phase of life.  After spending Thanksgiving week with my nephew, B has fallen in love with all things Thomas/train-related.  We spend the majority of our day like this.

Honestly, there are so many more that it is really difficult to end there, so for good measure here are a few silhouettes:

Technically my husband took the above shot, but I gave the directions and chose the camera settings for him.

Now it's your turn!!!  Show off your TOP 11 from '11!!!  I can't wait to see them.

Be sure to visit a few other entries, especially my co-hosts Courtney of Click It Up a Notch and Sarah of NapTime MomTog.

Here's how it works:
  • Search your 2011 photo archives
  • Choose 11 photos and post them to your blog or flickr account
  • PLEASE only use photos that include your CHILDREN and/or PETS
  • Accompany each photo with an explanation of why you chose it
  • Link up here at Click. Pray. LoveClick It Up A Notch, or Naptime Momtog anytime through Wednesday January 4th.
  • Be sure to include the Top 11 of '11 banner or button in your post.  If the button or banner is not there you will not be eligible to win.
Speaking of are the year end prizes that will be randomly given away!!
Yes, you read that correctly!  Courtney has previously taken this class and has this to say, "A seat in the BEST and ONLY beginner workshop I would recommend! I took this class about 2 years ago and WOW! I had been shooting on manual mode for 9 months at the time I took it and felt pretty comfortable, but Lynne filled in so many holes for me. She is truly an amazing teacher who will go above and beyond to make sure you understand the material!"  

 This 4 week workshop starts January 9th so you don't have long to wait for it! 
Be sure to check out Leigh's Etsy shop and Facebook page for more items and discounts.

Rebecca works hard to provide a unique product with a variety of styles and fabrics to choose from.  Be sure to check out her Etsy shop and Facebook to view all of her products.

As always, please remember this is NOT a photography CONTEST.  You do not have to have the best photo to win.  We want to encourage people to share their memories.  Winners will be chosen using and announced here on Thursday January 5th.  There will be 3 different winners.  
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Click.Pray.Love."><img src="" alt="Click.Pray.Love." style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Give away is open to adults 18 years or older.  
I was not compensated in any way in exchange for the above products being given away.
If gift is unclaimed after 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen using


Courtney said...

These are precious! I have loved following along on your photography journey and watching B grow!! You can definitely see such growth in your photography! Great job! Those silhouettes are fantastic but that painting picture just SCREAMS childhood!! Love them all! I hope you have these printed out somewhere in your house!

Buckeroomama said...

I always get a kick out of seeing your boy in your pictures! He is so adorable. Every time I see the photos, they make me want to be able to pick him up and give him a hug. :)

Those silhouette shots are out of this world!

Thank you for hosting this together with Courtney and with Sarah. This has be one of my favorite memes. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the shots you chose. They are so great! The one of him in the shirt and tie is still one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

I love these! So very fun. I love that one of B in a dress shirt and don't find the background distracting! It's adorable. So many great ones here!

Ashley Sisk said...

These are absolutely gorgeous - every single one. Such inspiring work this past year. And good gracious, B has grown so much!

SarahinSC said...

He is such a cutie patootie! I could just eat him up! Adorable for sure.

Sara said...

Gorgeous photos Amber, your son's so adorable! My favorites are the painting one, the one of him looking through the window and the silhouette with the big tree. All so wonderful though. Love the new look of your blog too.

Carolina said...

They are all precious!! But I could really eat Bennett up in the second one. I love how he has changed so much in just one year. Will be linking up soon!

Michelle said...

I always love looking at photos of little Bennett and his delicious chubby cheeks! You've chosen some fantastic photos, I particularly love the 4th one with the big happy face and I still love the adorable Fathers Day shot!
William is right into trains at the moment too so my days look very similar to yours!!
Ps Your silhouettes are AMAZING!!!

Unknown said...

He has grown sooo much! And your photos are beautiful! Seeing a collection like this really makes that even more apparent. That first one makes me weepy because Bennett is sooo little! I love how you capture his life in these photos... They aren't posed, they are real life. Real memories. He is incredibly blessed to have such an awesome mama to both create memories and then capture them ;)

Unknown said...

Love them all but I'm with you on the one in the parking garage. It is just such a cool photo!

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures! They capture all the fun and love there is when parenting a toddler.

tiarastantrums said...

oh those cheeks!! I miss cheeks like that on my kiddos! You silhouettes are A-MAZ-ing!!

Anonymous said...

I can understand why you found it hard to narrow down to eleven, they are all wonderful, and you little man is totally precious.

Jeska said...

Wow love the painted face photo and the silhouettes, so beautiful.

sfcitymom said...

i just adore your silhoutte ones. they look like they should be blown up poster size to be displayed somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous collection of pictures. I like the Daddy-Son shot.

30. said...

Thank you for the kind comment at my blog. I so enjoyed seeing all of yours. Your baby is sooooo adorable! I love the silouettes but my favorite was the fingerpainting photo...what a great capture!

Unknown said...

Oh my! These are all so wonderful! How he has grown! I'm so glad you included the silhouettes! They are gorgeous!

Actuary Mom said...

Your little man is becoming such a little man!! Great photos!! I want to win the photography class, so if you can make that happen, it would be awesome. :) lol

Unknown said...

The silhouettes are utterly precious.

Gina Kleinworth said...

WOW- those silhouettes are A.MAZ.ING!!!!

Unknown said...

great shots!! each and everyone. It's been a joy watching B grow up, he's such a cutie!! Many blessings for the New Year!! Thanks for the encouragement and Facebook shout out!

WeeMason Man's Mom said...

I don't think I've been to your blog before, but your little boy is A-DOR-ABLE!!! Found you through the link up and am going to follow you so I can see more of that cute little man!!

Lori said...

awesome pictures. love the Thomas pictures, but that may just be because both my boys are huge Thomas fans so it is a real moment that I've seen in my life. enjoy your 2012 with your little guy

Point & Shoot said...

those last shots are amazing...and the picture with the paint all over his face...classic.

Unknown said...

Such a great set! I still love your silhouette shot of your husband and son and the way they are just glowing- really amazing! I also like the looking out the window shot!!

Kristin said...

So excited to have found your site! Just got an SLR for Christmas. I have so much to learn.

Cedar said...

Really lovely photos! Your son is really adorable! I love those silhouettes...a great series for framing!

(By the way, my kids are sitting on a giant anchor at the zoo. Odd display, but they loved climbing all over it.)