I am thankful:
October 31, 2011
3084. for movies to watch when B and I are feeling bad
3085. for trick-or-treating with the Shah's. It was fun to see the boys dressed up.
3086. that Anlon slept in the pack-n-play allowing us to enjoy a later evening
3087. for gathering around the fire with good friends
**Last year during the month of November Sam and I sent an email to one another listing one or more thinks we were thankful for. I shared them each week during Multitude Monday 25, 26, 27, and 28. We are continuing the tradition this year, but I will be continuing to share my weekly list in addition to our email.
November 1, 2011
I am thankful:
3088. to have discovered a store with great educational toys/resources
3089. for the sun on my skin and the wind in my hair
3090. for band-aids
3091. for a clear mammogram
3092. for a relaxing few moments in the quiet, comfy room at the breast center
3093. for LAUGHing with Sam about "Big Mama C"
3094. that during sickness we have medication so readily available
Sam is thankful:
78. to live in a land where we are all blessed with peace
November 2, 2011
I am thankful:
3095. that a member of my B.S.F. group followed God's prompting to give me an uplifting email she received years ago
3096. for cold medicine
3097. for the ways God provides financially
3098. for simple pleasure, such as Pumpkin Spice creamer, a hairbrush, etc.
Sam is thankful:
79. for his college buddies
80. for their encouragement. They provide moments of respite in the storms of life.
November 3, 2011
I am thankful:
3099. for a child who, overall, is well behaved
3100. to visit with Tim for a while
3101. for other moms to whom I can relate
Sam is thankful:
81. for the physical strength God has given him
82. for the mental capability God has given him
November 4, 2011
I am thankful:
3102. for my brother-in-law and how he interacts with my son and his own children
3103. for time with Lisa and Joselyn
3104. that I was able to help Anna out at the last minute
3105. for a chilly breeze
3106. for the baby growing in my sister-in-law's womb
3107. for a shelter in the storms
Sam is thankful:
83. for the blessing of our son.
84. for his health
85. for his personality
86. for the little bit of imago dei, that is so plainly evident in his freedom of will
November 5, 2011
I am thankful:
3108. that God has a way of keeping me humble
3109. for the excitement and accomplishment of so many heart disease survivors participating in the Heart Walk.
3110. that my mother-in-law stayed with us last evening, so she could watch B early this morning
3111. for an afternoon walk and lunch with the Shah's
3112. for hot coffee, warm blankets, and socks
Sam is thankful:
87. for extra streams of income
88. for time to rest and relax
November 6, 2011
I am thankful:
3113. for children who love my son
3114. for coffee and conversation with my hubby
3115. for Jack's sweet smile and cheerful personality
3116. for sitting in the grass chatting with Carolina
3117: for people who use their gifts to bless others
Sam is thankful:
89. for a healthy, loving family
The boys looked so sweet in their costumes!
Again I really love that picture of you, Kindra and the boys- you all look so adorable! It was wonderful to catch up with you yesterday, it was fun to watch our boys run around (yes including the big ones) while catching up with you. Hope you have a blessed week!
love all these pictures, such a sweet post!
Isnt pumpkin spice creamer the best! :)
very nice post thank you for sharing...God bless you
I love your thankfulness posts. Really cute pics today. I love B's halloween costume!
Wonderful list of gratitude this week. And I really love the pictures of Bennett with Kyle and at the park. What a cool angle through the top of the slides!
Hello, very nice family.
I wish you the best.
Love the photo of the boys in their costumes! Adorable! Miss you, friend. Let's talk again soon!
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