I stand chopping zucchini and squash, preparing to add it to my pot of homemade vegetable soup. One slice after another I think about her. I think about the first time I made vegetable soup. It was a Saturday morning and I was preparing a meal for several friends. I needed some instruction, so I picked up the phone knowing my granny would provide the best recipe for "vegetable" soup. After a few rings I heard, "Hello." Now, I can envision her standing, white hair hidden behind a pink sleep cap and oversized gown zipped up the front. She was always excited to hear my voice on the other end of the line and more excited when I asked about cooking. Many years before I came to be she made her first pot of vegetable soup. Those hands prepared meal after meal after meal. Meals for siblings and a husband and children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and friends and extended family.
She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants.
It is hard to fight back the tears when I think of her sweet, sassy voice on the other end of the line saying, "Cook the hardest vegetables first in a little bit of water with a pinch of salt. Then, add broth or tomato juice. I use my canned tomato juice from the garden. Do you have any of that? We'll have to get you some when you come home. Then, add the softer vegetables, like potatoes. You can use hamburger if you choose..."
She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
I open the cabinet and notice the half empty shelf. Tears flow as I think about the day when her canned goods will no longer fill my shelf. The day is drawing nearer. When I consider hanging onto those last few jars of tomato juice or green beans I hear her voice, "Don't be crazy. I canned them, so someone would eat them." She was much stronger than I and not half as sentimental. Sometimes too strong for her own good.
She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.
While pouring the tomato juice, I think about all the ways she taught me about righteous living without knowing Christ. How is that possible? How is it possible that a women who did not come to know Christ as Lord and Savior till the end of her life have such a positive impact on me?
Christ or not she demonstrated faithfulness to her husband and her family all the days of her life.
She worked hard, not taking the easy way out, to provide for her family's needs.
She lived a simple life void of extra, fancy "stuff."
She gave of her time and talents to not only her family, but people in her community.
She took joy in being a servant to those of us who filled her presence on a regularly basis.
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
The list could go on and on regarding the ways my granny impacted my life. However, there is much more to life than righteous living. There is learning to love God. There is praying for others. There is giving glory to God through your service. There is reading the Bible and learning to stand firm on His words. There is the communion, comfort, and guidance of the Holy Spirit. There is learning to forgive others as Christ forgave you. There is so much more...
Both righteous living and faith in Christ are necessary.
I am so very thankful, in her final days, she accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. I will never forget the last photo I saw of her, arms lifted in praise of her Father. My uncle told me she was saying, "Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord."
Ahhhhh blessed Savior.........you taught me much through her life. I am thankful as an adult that I was able to teach her a little about You.
*all Scripture taken from Proverbs 31
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Every Friday, I post about the work God is doing or has done in my life, as I journey on this road of faith.
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Oh, you make me cry! Makes me think about my grandmothers who are still alive, but getting so close to the end of their years. I have "Memommy" strawberry jelly and apples and tomato soup in my pantry, too. They had much bigger families than we do and lived in a time with fewer conveniences. They worked so hard.
I love reading heartfelt posts from you. I know you must be missing her so much as she was clearly such a wonderful influence in your life. What a blessing that she accepted Christ in her heart... it is only time until you will see her again dear friend.
such a wonderful post.. I just love reading posts like these. How wonderful she accepted christ in her heart.. you will see her again :)
Your words blessed me very, very much. Memories of my Grandmom flooded my mind. What a profound effect a grandmother can have on a granddaughter's life.
I smile from ear to ear as I imagine your granny saying how silly it would be to save those canned goods. I know I would be tempted to save them too :)
You could feel the love seeping from the screen, sweet friend.
If you do an email reminder list for the link-up, please include me. I'm too scattered right now to do anything regularly, but I'd love to join with you sometime.
Amber, your tribute to your Granny is beautiful. Her impact in your life resonates in every word you chose. So incredible!
Girl, if Aiden wasn't over here reading in his corner I would be bawling. This post was amazing, not only because I saw my own amazing grandmother while I read it, but also because of how it speaks to my heart. How I long to be strong, faithful, loving and loyal like our grandmothers were. I was blessed to have my grandmother as a pillar of faith during my childhood as well... not in an overt, evangelical way but in a quiet witness through service kind of way. I miss her so much, as I am sure you miss yours. Hugs!
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