Monday, November 8, 2010

Multitude Monday XXV: A Month Full of Thanks from the CULLUM CLAN

The beginning of 28 days of thanks from the Cullum Clan.

November 1, 2010

I am thankful:
1503.  for our relationship
1504.  that God brought Sam into my life at the most perfect time
1505.  that God has filled Sam and I with the grace to love one another in the good and the bad and the ugly
1506.  that our life is not perfect, but sometimes I am overwhelmed with how good we have it
1507.  that Sam loves me for me
1508.  that Sam tries to help me be a more positive, confident person
1509.  that as children, God marked our lives with His blood making us forever His
1510.  for knowing the seriousness of a covenant made to love and cherish Sam throughout our lives
1511.  for Sam's fun spirit and strong character
1512.  that we don't see eye to eye on everything, but most things
1513.  for the opportunity to grow old with Sam

Sam is thankful:
1.  for God's provision
2.  that after two years of various stressors (lived in 3 different homes, held 5 different jobs, had our first child, left all of our KY friends, made new friends, left a great church and found a new one, sold a house, bought a house, changed car registrations, fixed a new home, started new B.S.F., had countless visitors, etc.) we are closer and happier
3.  throughout it all, God has been a source of peace and sustaining power through His Spirit
4.  that we have been healthy and loved

November 2, 2010

I am thankful:
1514.  to live in a country that promotes freedom
1515.  for clean public parks
1516.  for roadways and bridges that can take us all over the country
1517.  for laws that are set in motion to keep us safe
1518.  for armed forces that protect our freedom every day sacrificing times with their families
1519.  for a government, although not perfect, that daily meets, discusses, and votes on laws that will hopefully make our country better
1520.  for free public education

Sam is thankful:
5.  for freedom
6.  that even though we live in a less than perfect system, we have the power to affect change through voting

November 3, 2010

I am thankful:
1521.  for literacy
1522.  for all of the teachers who poured their knowledge and heart into helping me learn (Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Spurlock, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Vaughan, Mrs. Mullins, Mr. Robinson, Coach Collins, Coach Tackett, Prof. Fuller, Prof. Kuperstein, Prof. English, my mom, my dad, and my sister)
1523.  for all of the authors that have enlightened me, humored me, and made me dig a little deeper
1524.  for people along the way who have shared a word, said a prayer, offered advice, and/or pushed me a little harder

Sam is thankful:
7.  for a job that I enjoy
8.  for a job that provides

November 4, 2010

I am thankful:
1525.  for all of the healthcare providers whose intense training benefits us
1526.  for those healthcare providers who truly love their job, because they enjoy helping people
1527.  for technology that has allowed medicine to advance in ways I never imagined
1528.  for our healthcare system, although imperfect, at least we have one

Sam is thankful:
9.  for God's gift of nature (the sky, the air, the sun, wind, rain, etc.)
10.  for the respite and peace from daily that nature brings
11.  for a chance to recharge after long days and weeks
12.  that nature encourages me to take time out to examine my soul and pray

November 5, 2010

I am thankful:
1529.  for being cared for and loved as a child
1530.  that my needs have always been met
1531.  for various family members who have taught me much about life from how to walk, ride a bike, shoot a basketball, bow my head, use a spoon, obey, string beans, build forts, love people and on and on
1532.  for traditions old and new

Sam is thankful:
13.  for our son, Bennett.  He is a gift from God.
14.  for how he makes me smile and LAUGH
15.  that he inspires me to be a good dad and a better man

*I love how he smiles when he sees his parents.  He has been a challenge, but a good one that I would certainly not change.

November 6, 2010

I am thankful:
1533.  for financial provision
1534.  for friends with whom we enjoy spending time and having fun

Sam is thankful:
16.  for rest (enough said)

November 7, 2010

I am thankful:
1535.  for the church
1536.  that God gave us leaders to pass down His truths
1537.  for those that go into ministry and are passionate about growing God's kingdom

Sam is thankful:
17.  for friends
18.  for fellowship
19.  for the company of friends God provided after we moved
20.  for the abundance of friends we have left behind, but still manage to keep in touch


elizabeth said...

Loving the mutual thanksgiving!

livinginbetween said...

Share gratitude is the best of all! We have a tradition in our house that I shared on my blog today. We write on leaves that which we are thankful for and post them on the wall. It's such a fun time to give thanks together and great to see what others are thankful for.

We have gone through several changes -- moves, job stresses, etc. in our lives. I am so thankful that they have pushed us even closer together, instead of pulling us apart. God's grace!

JCo said...

Love that Sam has joined you in the thankfulness.

Kay K said...

Love how you are both being thankful ...
1505 I too am glad for GDO"S goodness and Mercy thru the good, bad and the ugly ....

how sweet

Danielle said...

Love that your hubby is in on giving thanks!

Loni said...

How neat that you and your husband are doing this together! THANK YOU for sharing!

Courtney said...

I love these!! I love the chalk board as clever! I have been meaning to stop by and say THANK YOU for sharing that link for the free 8x10 and the inexpensive canvases!! Thanks for thinking of me and I'm hoping to share it with everyone this week! Have a great week!

Kindra said...

I love that Sam is joining in :) And I love your gratitude chalkboard - that really is a great idea! I've been compiling a thankful list myself that I'm planning to blog soon.

Carolina said...

I agree with Kindra- love that you are both writing about what you're thankful for! and I love the writing on the chalkboards, very cute picture idea. hope you're doing well and looking forward to seeing you tonight!

Sharon @ Hiking Toward Home said...

stopped in from Ann's. Love that your man has started his own list tagged on to yours.