As many of you know, I came across Ann Voskamp's blog and began counting gifts with her during a very difficult time as a new mother (read more HERE). Joining Multitude Mondays and consistently giving thanks has changed my perspective on life. It has forced me to choose joy on days I was filled with anger and frustration. It has forced me to further examine my heart and my need to fully depend on Christ instead of self. It has pulled me out of what used to be months of frustration and despair in less than a day. It has encouraged me to be in continual praise of all God has given and continues to give me and all of His creation.
When I heard Ann was writing a book based on her experience of documenting 1000 gifts and how it transformed her life, I was certain I would have one of the first copies. The book arrived and I barely made it through the first chapter before God laid it on my heart to contact Chrissy (of DePirro Notes) about co-leading a discussion for women in the Tampa Bay area surrounding the book, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
The book is just that, A DARE TO FULLY LIVE.......RIGHT............WHERE.........YOU...........ARE. Lysa Terkeurst of Proverbs 31 ministries said it best, "...[from] one of the most gifted writers I have ever read....a book that will challenge you and mess with you in the most beautiful of ways..."
If you live in the Tampa area, we would like to invite you to a weekly discussion as we walk through Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts. Together, we will read, share, and encourage one another as we see God's hand at work from the most mundane parts of our lives to the most difficult struggles we face as wives, mothers, and women of God.
We will begin Wednesday March 2, at 6:30 p.m. and will be meeting every other week.
We will be meeting in the South Tampa area (location details will be provided through email correspondence).
We will discuss two chapters each time we meet, totaling 7-8 meetings.
We have space for 15 women.
We do have a couple copies of the book available for you; if you are not able to purchase one, please let us know. Otherwise, you can order a copy HERE
If you are interested in joining us,
please email amboleslie{at}gmail{dot}com or depirronotes{at}gmail{dot}com
by Friday, February 25.
You may also leave a comment to let us know of your interest.
We are excited to get to know you and share in God's blessing together.
We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.
Psalm 79:13
Wish I lived there to I could join up!! Maybe you can SKype me in :) SO thankful for thankfulness!!! It really is life-transforming!!
Great idea! I don't know that I'll be able to join right now but will pray about it over the next few weeks.
I'd like to take part.
I don't want to take a space from a desperate young mama, but if there's room for Grandma's, please count me in.
Count me in. I forgot that we have an association meeting on 3/2, so I'm going to try to either change the time of our meeting or have Vipul represent me. I'm so glad you and Chrissy decided to do this!
Yay! So excited to start!
Great idea! Wish I could join in. Let us know how it goes! :)
Thank you for the recent comment you left on my blog. I really appreciate it.
How neat that you are organizing a meet-up to discuss Ann's book. I live far, far away from Tampa but if I lived there, I'd try to re-arrange my schedule to come. :)
Hi friends- I'm so bummed, but John and I have already prayed about and committed to attending Crown Financial on Wednesday nights at the same time, starting the same day. Hopefully I'll be able to join for another book club in the future!
Fun. Wish I lived in Tampa.
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