Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Such a BIG boy!!!

This may not be too exciting for many of you; however, several family members and friends have asked to see more video of my BIG boy!!!  This video was taken last week while in Nashville with my sister.  He is about 4 1/2 months old.

For those of you who have not met Bennett I hope the video helps you feel a little more connected to him.
I am going to try to post video more regularly, especially now that I have the Flip video camera.
Thanks mom!!



Carolina said...

I love his mullett!!! And he has great body control... he'll be walking in no time he he :)

Nate and Molly said...

precious! love the hairdo.

The Thomas' said...

Love the hair!!

How do you post videos to blogger? I also have a flip and the quality of videos when I upload them to my blog is horrible! But yours looks so nice and big!

Us said...

He's getting so big! He seems so content! And I love your baby talk sounds so different from your regular voice...and by that, I mean there's no accent! Hehe!

Keep the videos coming!

katy said...

Cute! I love the smile he gets on his face every time he looks at you, it's obvious that he adores his Mama! :)

Kay K said...

Bennett is so cute love the Video