Physical Therapy School Bible Study
I had been so blessed with Christian friends throughout under graduate school that I feared being alone in graduate school. I remember asking God to give me at least one dear Christian friend in grad school, so that I could have someone that I could relate to on a spiritual level.
I began Physical Therapy school in January 2001, but it wasn't until August 2002 (my last semester of class work) that Sarah, Jennifer, and I invited any and every lady in our class to join us for a Bible study over the next ten weeks. We didn't have a specific time set, nor a place, but we had willing hearts and a God that was prepared to make Himself known.
We held our introductory session to Beth Moore's "Heart Like His" on August 27, 2002. I was shocked when thirteen of our classmates showed up (sixteen including Sarah, Jennifer, and I). They not only showed up, but they were excited to learn more about God through the study of David and more about one another. (There ended up being thirteen of us consistently)
I began Physical Therapy school in January 2001, but it wasn't until August 2002 (my last semester of class work) that Sarah, Jennifer, and I invited any and every lady in our class to join us for a Bible study over the next ten weeks. We didn't have a specific time set, nor a place, but we had willing hearts and a God that was prepared to make Himself known.
We held our introductory session to Beth Moore's "Heart Like His" on August 27, 2002. I was shocked when thirteen of our classmates showed up (sixteen including Sarah, Jennifer, and I). They not only showed up, but they were excited to learn more about God through the study of David and more about one another. (There ended up being thirteen of us consistently)
We rotated houses each week. The girls were so generous and it gave me new insight into each one of their lives. Plus, whoever hosted gladly made appetizers/desserts for us!!!!! I believe spending time in someone's home is was of God's greatest gifts to us.
We began each week with fellowship and food, then we watched a video, discussed the previous week of study, closing with prayer requests and prayer. More often than not our evenings would go beyond two hours, but it was so obvious that God was at work that no one seemed to care. I have yet to experience a Bible study where people from so many different walks of life bonded so strongly. We obviously had physical therapy in common, but our stressful school schedules gave us a unique understanding of one other. Our weekly meetings became a time I looked forward to. I think everyone looked forward to it, as it was rare for any of the twelve to miss. It was a time for us to escape the stress, escape the busyness, and be real before one another and before God.
So you may be thinking, how did they or the study influence me? Ten weeks with those ladies influenced me to be real with people. They influenced me to accept people where they are in their faith journey remembering that everyone needs someone to listen, someone to pray, someone to encourage, and someone to love. They influenced and affirmed the gifts God has given to me. The influenced my relationship with the LORD Jesus, as I learned much about obedience, honesty, faithfulness, and vulnerability.
I will never forget the ten weeks spent studying the Word with Courtney Jones, Mary-Beth Barcus, Jennifer Hayden, Jennifer Mount, Amanda Lee, Danielle Russell, Sarah Lochow, Alison Hill, Sarah Cosby, Ashley Adams, Becky Whitaker, and Heather Mount. Ladies, I haven't spoken to some of you since we graduated and some of you I speak to on a regularly basis. Regardless of how often we speak I thank God for the time He gave us together, as I learned something from each one of you. Thank you!
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Next Friday: My friend Carolina had a great suggestion. Next week plan to share a time you surrendered something or someone to the LORD and God took care of it/them in an amazing way.
Thanks Carolina!!
Thanks Carolina!!
Have a blessed day in the Lord Jesus!!

very cool story! I like how it was just 10 months, but how God used it in so many ways.
Amber, It's wonderful to have a womens bible study . we have them at our church and the Beth Moore studies are awesome, also you do get to know those people so much better as you share your life with them .I love your articles wish you lived closer I would love to have you in our bible study !!!
Thanks for sharing about your bible study! We've been praying about joining a bible study for months now, but haven't feel led to anything yet. I am really missing that fellowship time!
I have a good story for next Friday where God gets all the glory :)
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