I am thankful:
June 28, 2010
451. that I took time to do something I wanted to do today.
452. for fans (ceiling and floor fans, that is)
453. for my little boy who is 3 months old today
454. for these words from my "Mom's Devotional Bible," p. 505 "...and still other times disappointment simply leads us straight to God. We come to the end of ourselves and are left with no alternative but to seek him as we have never sought him before. Here, prayer becomes our drink, the Bible our food, and God's presence our sole sustenance." (in regards to Job 10)
455. that I know the Lamb of God
456. that I had/took time to cut coupons and try to plan my grocery trip
457. for the beautiful black and white cat in our backyard tonight
458. for yummy chuck roast in the crock pot
459. for sleeping on my stomach again
460. for going to bed earlier just to read and relax
June 28, 2010
461. for the contemporary Christian music channel on TV
462. for a hot bath with candles lit and music playing
463. for the gift of music. Music ministers to me on so many levels.
464. that despite being so tired I didn't become overly frustrated till the end of the day
465. that Bennett actually fell asleep in his swing
466. that there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under Heaven (Ecc 3:1)
467. for baby Charlie's short life and the faith/stamina his parents have shown throughout this difficult season
468. that there will again be a time to laugh, a time to dance, a time to search, a time to speak, and a time for peace for our dear friends in Christ
469. that one day I will walk the streets of gold
470. for today's blog. It made me laugh. (A few words from Bennett)
June 30, 2010
471. that Bennett slept for 5.5 hours without needing to be fed and only cried for his paci once
472. for an enjoyable conversation with my sister while Bennett napped
473. for Bethany making us lunch
474. for girl time with Bethany and Kindra at my house today
475. for watching Roman play and sleep-he's so sweet
476. for time trying to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements
477. for a wonderful day of fellowship
478. for listening to Sam read "Guess how much I love You" to Bennett at bedtime
479. for an overcast day
480. for the life of Nelson Mandela. What an inspiration. (Random, right? Sorry, we just watched Invictus)
July 1, 2010
481. for 5.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night while Sam took baby duty
482. for Tylenol and Ibuprofen (my neck and arm are hurting a lot)
483. for my granny Hester's canned sour kraut
484. for all that I have learned as a Physical Therapist
485. for people like Art Morvai, Lynn Reeves, and Lisa Harris for investing in me. They taught me so many P.T. skills
486. for my cervical (neck) pillow
487. for sitting on the porch with Sam and Bennett rocking in our rocking chairs listening to the rain
488. that Sam got to enjoy some happy time with Bennett after work today (it's been a rough few evenings)
489. for Bourbon and Toulouse restaurant in Lexington. I love and miss their food very much.
490. that I am covered by the blood of Jesus
July 2, 2010
491. for excellent customer service (in regards to our video monitor-Summer Infant is the brand)
492. for the clouds
493. for boats moving across the bay at sunset
494. for dental floss
495. for finally completing a blog header using Elements
496. for Oreo cookie jar Blizzards
497. for all Blizzards
498. for less neck pain today
499. for Bennett's sweet facial expression after receiving multiple kisses from mom and dad
500. for night lights
July 3, 2010
501. that my sister, Chris, and Braxton are in Prestonsburg visiting our family (I miss them so much)
502. for Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets with honey mustard
503. for our short trip to Brandon to buy night time books for Bennett
504. for Shout stain remover
505. for the squirrel perched on the tree in our backyard appearing to stare at us through the kitchen window
506. for lawn mowers
507. for pest control
508. for the whispering conversation Sam and I had while lying in the dark on the floor of the nursery. I asked SAm if he would go back to before we had Bennett. He said, "I couldn't because I love him so much."
509. for inspiration and creativity
510. for spiritual markers on this journey called life that make me the person I am today
July 4, 2010 Independence Day
511. for the country I live in and the freedom I experience every moment of every day
512. for the freedom of speech that allows me to worship and proclaim Jesus as Lord of my life out loud
513. for backyard bar-b-cues
514. that Brittany and Josh came to visit
515. for sitting around drinking coffee and chatting with good friends
516. for being able to be yourself and feel comfortable around friends
517. for dinner and conversation with the Ross's and the Shah's
518. for time playing with puzzles and Mr. Potatohead with McKenzie
519. for watching Bennett, Camryn, and McKenzie play
520. for the gift of true fellowship

How blessed we are !!!!508 brought tears to my eyes ..........
478....that is my absolute favorite book! I love when John reads it to our Bunny :)
Hey Amber! Thanks for reading my blog and commenting :) I didn't discover your blog until now--not sure how I missed it. Anyway congrats on your little boy--he is precious and I love the name. I can't imagine what it's like being a new mother but I'm encouraged by your list of thankful things, and I know that other moms too appreciate your honesty!
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