June 21, 2010
381. that the blinds didn't hit/hurt Bennett (he was sleeping in his crib) when they fell
382. for the conversation I had with my granny Betty
383. that my papaw Jim got out of his bed and out of the house this past weekend with the help of my aunt and uncle
384. that Bennett sat peacefully in the swing for a few minutes
385. that I have hope
386. for these words from Too Busy Not To Pray, "I am praying to the Creator of the world, the King of the universe, the all powerful, all-knowing, all faithful God. I'm praying to the God who made the mountains and who can move them if necessary....I'm praying to a God who wants to bear fruit through me and I am going to trust that he is going to use me tonight. Not because of who I am , but because of who he is. He is faithful." p. 81
387. to see Bennett grasping objects more intentionally
388. that Sam came home during lunch (It breaks up the day, a little)
389. that Bennett's stool cultures were negative
390. for reading and discussion with my husband
June 22, 2010
391. for a little extra sleep this morning
392. for clean sheets
393. for access to short workouts DVD's and a DVD player
394. for the story of Job
395. that Sam got to go to the Rays game and dinner with his brother (It was their Father's Day gift)
396. for alone time tonight to sit and read
397. for a sweet time of prayer
398. that we are slowly developing a routine with Bennett
399. to hear little Brax's voice over the phone tonight while he was playing with his dinosaur
400. for tennis shoes. We take for granted how fortunate we are to have shoes.
June 23, 2010
401. that Bennett played in his crib peacefully for several minutes. (To BAD is was at 5 a.m. hehehe)
402. that "I have a home in glory land that out shines the sun" and that I can sing that sweet song to my sun.
403. for baby feet
404. for Panera's iced green tea
405. for working out 2 days in a row
406. that I know the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1:3)
407. for flexible spending accounts to use on healthcare needs
408. that today I didn't feel so lonely during the day
409. that overall Bennett cried less today
410. that I can pray directly to God and He hears me
June 24, 2010
Today has been a day filled with crying by me and my son. I don't really feel like expressing thanks, but I have thought about what to write all day. Today is a day to be thankful for the basics of life.
411. that the sun came up today
412. for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
413. for the clothes on my back
414. for the mattress on the floor in Bennett's nursery (it's much more comfortable than falling asleep on the floor)
415. that tomorrow is Friday
416. that my sister called during one of my breakdowns. It helped me to vent. She has been where I am.
417. for a roof over my head
418. for grilled zucchini and squash
419. that God answered 2 prayers today while I was pleading before Him
420. for my husband reassuring me tonight of the many things I'm not so sure of now-a-days
June 24, 2010
421. that God gave me peace and rest last night despite Bennett's sleep struggles
422. that Bennett woke up happy several times today
423. for our short trip to Target
424. for getting to watch a movie with Sam tonight
425. for the way Bennett's face lights up when I talk to him
426. for an easier time putting Bennett down for the night
427. for Crystal Light Ruby Red Grapefruit Drink
428. that Bennett has sat in the swing 3 days in a row, peacefully
429. for all of my cousins and how my life is more rich due to memories made with them
430. for times of intimacy with my husband
June 25, 2010
431. for time to sleep early this morning while Sam took baby duty
432. for brunch at the Shah's
433. for cute baby clothes. They make me smile!!
434. for time to get some cleaning done today
435. for Betty Crocker Cookie Brownie bars (AGAIN) I love them!!!!!!!!!!
436. that Bennett has done well with rice cereal
437. for a healthy baby
438. for funny photos of bennett holding his bottle (more to come)
439. that I am being forced to have/set more reasonable expectations
440. for Starbucks Sumatra coffee (the Wal-Mart brand is good too)
June 27, 2010
441. for fingernail clippers
442. for playing Wii basketball and sword play with Sam
443. that Sam's family came to our house for lunch. It's nice to have adult interaction.
444. for Rebecca Brown's blog post reminding me to praise God for His creation
445. that David (my father-in-law) is home safe from his trip and that he had some time holding Bennett today
446. for the much needed rain
447. for dinner at the Bungalow with girlfriends (Jess, Nicki, Brandi, Heidi, and Kindra) while Sam watched Bennett
448. that Heidi shared some encouraging words with us
449. that Bennett missed me while I was gone
450. that Bennett went to sleep tonight without crying

Amber ,Thanks for sharing this with me weeks ago so that I could reflect on how blessed I am ..
#382--I love your granny Betty such a sweet lady ..just say I said watermelon to you and she if she laughs !!!!
I so enjoy reading your thank you's. Haven't posted my Multitude Monday yet, but I did manage a couple updates to the layout...thanks for your help!
I know those running shoes....and the sad reason they are all alone..."have to start somewhere" :-)
love your multitude mondays.... every single time... i really need to start doing this. i think it would give me a better attitude on "bad days!" thanks for sharing.
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