Well, baby girl aka. Little Ditty, Zoeinator, Zoe Bear, is 1 month old. It always amazes me how time flies by, yet creeps by. However, with 2 children time definitely feels like it passes more quickly.
She feeds every 2 1/2 to 3 hours (sometimes more often). She has had a few 4 and 5 hour stretches, but nothing consistent. She doesn't wake up screaming at night, just smacking her lips for food. She will begin to cry if I don't get up and feed her. At night, I nurse her while side lying in bed, which has helped lower my level of fatigue. She typically nurses around 1:30 a.m., 4:30 a.m., and again at 7:30 a.m.
She is a tummy sleeper and has been since 2 weeks old. She simply wouldn't sleep on her back after the first week and despised being swaddled, unless someone was holding her. Thankfully, she has excellent head control and has been able to pick her head up and turn it to the opposite side since 2.5 weeks.
She struggled to return to her birth weight due to my milk supply, so we have been giving her a 1 oz. supplement 2-3 times per day. However, the last few days I have not given her the supplement as my milk supply seems to have improved and she has been satisfied, We'll see how much she weighs next week.
I don't know how I would have survived the days alone with 2 kids if I didn't have the Moby wrap (thanks Anna) and now the Bjorn. She gets really fussy in the morning and struggles to go back to sleep, but this is during the time I am trying to feed B breakfast. I can put her in the wrap and she will eventually calm down and go to sleep.
She is wearing size 1 diapers, some newborn clothes still fit, and 0-3 month clothes (which are a little big).
She takes the paci...most of the time. Unlike her brother, she doesn't seem to mind the car seat...so far. She doesn't care for the swing. She enjoys laying on her play mat. She is particularly interested in the toy cow, aka. Matilda or Carlos depending on the day, that hangs above the play mat. Like most babies, she is most easily calmed if we carry her outside and walk around.
She feeds every 2 1/2 to 3 hours (sometimes more often). She has had a few 4 and 5 hour stretches, but nothing consistent. She doesn't wake up screaming at night, just smacking her lips for food. She will begin to cry if I don't get up and feed her. At night, I nurse her while side lying in bed, which has helped lower my level of fatigue. She typically nurses around 1:30 a.m., 4:30 a.m., and again at 7:30 a.m.
She is a tummy sleeper and has been since 2 weeks old. She simply wouldn't sleep on her back after the first week and despised being swaddled, unless someone was holding her. Thankfully, she has excellent head control and has been able to pick her head up and turn it to the opposite side since 2.5 weeks.
She struggled to return to her birth weight due to my milk supply, so we have been giving her a 1 oz. supplement 2-3 times per day. However, the last few days I have not given her the supplement as my milk supply seems to have improved and she has been satisfied, We'll see how much she weighs next week.
I don't know how I would have survived the days alone with 2 kids if I didn't have the Moby wrap (thanks Anna) and now the Bjorn. She gets really fussy in the morning and struggles to go back to sleep, but this is during the time I am trying to feed B breakfast. I can put her in the wrap and she will eventually calm down and go to sleep.
She is wearing size 1 diapers, some newborn clothes still fit, and 0-3 month clothes (which are a little big).
She takes the paci...most of the time. Unlike her brother, she doesn't seem to mind the car seat...so far. She doesn't care for the swing. She enjoys laying on her play mat. She is particularly interested in the toy cow, aka. Matilda or Carlos depending on the day, that hangs above the play mat. Like most babies, she is most easily calmed if we carry her outside and walk around.
Awww. So sweet! Love these. Can't believe it has been a month already.
Precious...Miss. Z is beatuiful !!!
Oh so sweet! You are going to LOVE photographing your beautiful girl! My sister-in-law is going to let me use her Moby wrap. I can't wait to try it out. They are visiting us tomorrow!
She is so sweet- my Sleepy wrap(like the Moby) has been a lifesaver too.
During Tula's night feedings I also nursed laying on my side so I could kind of sleep. This helped me so much when I needed energy during the day! Praying for an extra boost of JOY for you today.... this can be a trying time!
Well, I must admit seeing these precious pics make me more at peace with the possibility of having a girl. She reminds me so much of Bennett at this age.
Wonderful post- thanks Amber! This made me both excited to have a newborn around and a little anxious remembering everything that comes with it (but I know it's in a good way). She's beautiful!
beautiful photos! it's crazy how time does fly by once they are born! She is just adorable!
thanks for sharing your little girl! she is simply beautiful!
Love this update... She is sooo gorgeous!
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