It is hard to believe that it's mid-March and we're asking you to prepare for the first Quarterly Top 5 Photos (you've taken of your children or pets) of 2012.
First, if you didn't notice Ashley of Ramblings and Photos (who will be welcoming her first bundle of joy this year) is joining Sarah and myself as our 3rd co-host, so be sure to give her a warm welcome.
If you joined us last year, you know the routine, but if you're new, here are a few things you should know:
- Linky begins Wednesday, March 28th-Tuesday, April 3rd
- Go through the photos from January, February, and March 2012
- Choose 5 and post them on your blog or Flickr account beginning March 28th
- PLEASE only use photos that include your CHILDREN and/or PETS
- Accompany each photo with a short explanation of why you chose it
- Link up here at Click.Pray.Love., NapTime MomTog, or Ramblings and Photos
- Be sure to include the Quarterly Top 5 banner or button in your post and you will be entered to win one of these gifts
A Shutter Buddy of your choice ($23 value)
I personally own the Frog and the Caterpillar (which is my favorite) and I use them on a regularly basis. They work so well with children who you just can't seem to engage with the camera. Be sure to click over and check out all of Leora's products.
A Camera Strap from Chic Homeschool Mama ($25 value)
Gina, like the rest of us, loves photography and does a wonderful job making the rest of us shoot in style. Be sure to check out her camera straps and lens bags. Plus, she is offering a 15% discount code now through the Quarterly Top 5 linky. If you see something you like, just enter top5Q1 at check out.
from Bella Pop ($60 value)
The next class begins Thursday, April 5th, the day after the winners are chosen. You can begin that class immediately or Brandy said you could join when it is offered in May or June.
Here is what says about the class, "With any camera… point & shoot, cell phone, DSLR… natural light can make a world of difference. This class is for beginner shooters with little or no photography experience who would like to understand the basics of natural light and how it can make or break a photograph. In just 2 weeks you’ll learn how to use natural light photography tips to take better pictures with any point and shoot camera."
Be sure to check out Bella Pop. Brandy offers a variety of classes, tutorials, fun photos, recipes, etc.
Remember THIS IS NOT A CONTEST. Anyone can enter and you do not have to have the best photo to be considered for the giveaway.
It is a random giveaway, as we want to encourage people to share their memories. One person will be chosen for each gift.
Let the fun begin!!! Start searching through your archives and be ready to share your Top 5 with us beginning March 28th.
One last thing, if you would be so kind to add our button to your side bar to help spread the word we would appreciate it,

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Click.Pray.Love."><img src="" alt="Click.Pray.Love." style="border:none;" /></a></div>
This sounds so wonderful. I take so many pictures, and then, I do nothing with them. At least now I know I will have this done quarterly. Maybe it will inspire me to do more! What a great idea. :)
This is one of those things where I try to imagine what pics I would use and just feel weird that I am not in the big girl camera club anymore, LOL! But because of the people running it I will still link up I am sure ;)
I like the first picture... Looks so classic and I like classic...
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