Hebrew Prayer for All People
Feeling inadequate?
Experiencing self doubt?
Wondering what God's will is?
Wanting to change?
This past week in Bible Study we focused on Hebrews 11-13. Much about those chapters ministered to my heart, but it was chapter 13 that really struck a chord in me. Verses filled with exhortations for the Christ follower was both encouraging and exhausting. Encouraging that God gives us guidelines of how to live our lives bringing honor to Him.
- Love others (verses 1-3)--be hospitable to strangers, remember those in prison and those mistreated
- Be pure (verse 4)--honor your marriage, keep it pure, avoid sexual immorality
- Be content (verses 5-6) --keep yourself free from the love of money
- Be loyal (verses 7-12)--primarily speaking of loyalty to church leadership and their ministry, but applies to the whole church
- Be bold (verses 13-14)--share Christ with others
- Be worshipful (verses 15-16)--praise God with your lips and your life
Exhausting that I fall so short. However, that is why I am so thankful for grace and conviction and forgiveness and the sanctification process of the Holy Spirit in my life. I am also thankful that while reading these verses I began to ask God how I could accomplish all of these things in my life. As I continued reading, He provided the perfect prayer in verses 20-21:
20 Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, 21 equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Oh God, how You accept us right where we are and challenge us to ask You to provide all that we need to do your will. Oh God, how You produce confidence in us to do what is pleasing to You. Oh God, how you come along side us encouraging us to change not so that we can feel better about ourselves, but so we can bring glory to your name and be at peace with others.
God, Your Word truly is a lamp unto my feet!! Thank you for it!
Read previous Journey of Faith Friday posts.
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Every Friday, I post about the work God is doing or has done in my life, as I journey on this road of faith.
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great post! I am readingthe book not a fan. and it goes right along with this! Lovei t!
this is a fantastic post and perfect for this new year! it's so easy to want to work at it, to make improvement in our own strength...but the only good and lasting work is done by him!
This post is starred in my reader... I know I will read it many more times ;)
It is so ironic (okay, maybe NOT, I think its a God-incidence - something He planned) that I am studying Hebrews at this moment as well! Thank you for this lovely prayer.
Just getting a chance to catch up with your blog. Also enjoyed reading Hebrews last week as well, and I know I fall short in many of those areas. So thankful for God's grace and how he slowly works in us to get there.
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