I am thankful:
May 30, 2011
2524. for all of those who have given and continue to give their lives in service to our country
2525. for an extra day with the hubster
2526. for the vibrant blue sky God painted today
2527. for the sound of LAUGHter as 2 little girls ran and played at the park today
2528. for washed cars
2529. for reading and discussing parenting strategies with Sam
2530. for an evening breeze during a Davis Island picnic with the Shah's
May 31, 2011
2531. to have come across the hand written card granny had sent soon after B was born
2532. that B's high chair is so close to the sink
2533. for fresh Basil from the garden
2534. for the first blossoms on the flowers we planted in the Spring
June 1, 2011
2535. for a little head resting in the bend of my elbow
2536. for prayers being lifted to the throne
2537. for rain pouring down
2538. for the presence of the Spirit, where 4 women were gathered
2539. to see Anlon moving around my family room
2540. for how much B enjoys his new Chuggington Flap book
June 2, 2011
2541. for B's behavior at the library
2542. for B's joy while exploring the book tables
2543. for coupons and sales
2544. for taking the opportunity to rest on the couch today
2545. for my husband's hard work
June 3, 2011
2546. that Bradford is on a similar schedule as B allowing increase time for play dates
2547. that B is beginning to understand that he needs to keep his head out of the water while in the pool
June 4, 2011
2548. for Isaac's excitement while visiting Heritage Village
2549. for sitting on the chair reading The Jungle Book to Isaac and Eli
2550. for Sandy suggesting ideas for the kids
2551. for the time spent watching Isaac and B paint
2552. that Sam was able to spend time with his dad and brother
June 5, 2011
2553. for time spent running around downstairs with Sam and B playing hide and seek
2554. for local honey
2555. to observe a tender father/son moment after B woke up from his nap
2556. for B's veracious "ROAAARRRR" when he sees a dinosaur or a tiger
Yum, I love basil too and would also love to have a fresh cleaned car! I haven't washed mine in months! Loved reading your thanks!! Happy Monday friend!
Visiting from Ann's and I am also a Physical Therapist that now stays home with my four boys. A blessing to "meet" you. Lovely blog!
Love all the new things little kids learn! Such explorers! Great list--thanks for sharing
What a lovely list. And that little round face just begs to be kissed, doesn't it? They are precious!!!
Wonderful list! I love the picture of Bennett in the library and the one of him painting. He looks like a little warrior preparing for battle :)
I love reading these. Adorable photos.
I love your new header.
he is just too cute!! love all his teeth
Love your list this week... and can't believe how big Bennett is getting! He looks like such a big boy sitting in the yellow chair.
And I love your blog makeover!
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