Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Outdoor Family Time

I have lived in Tampa a little over 2 years and thankfully it feels a little more like home every day.  However, living so far from my family (particularly my sister) never gets easier.  Therefore, when I am around them I take every opportunity to capture them interacting with B.

I just love this photo of my sister tickling B's feet.  

I adore little dirty piggies (unless their on my floor).

My sister told my nephew to hug B, so I was able to capture this sweet shot.  However, I missed the best  shot......when they both feel on the ground hugging.


Ashley Sisk said...

Playing outside it is the best. Great shots.

Casey Martinez said...

Darling shots of the cousin and auntie hanging out with B. I too miss my sisters SO much and wish they didn't all live in CA. boo. So hard.

Kindra said...

Very sweet photos! I love the last one!! I'm so glad you were able to spend quality time with Shea.

Courtney K. said...

It took a while for the Tampa area to feel like home to us, too. I think a lot of it had to do with the non-stop hot weather. Whew. Suffocating. :) Glad it's starting to feel more like it, to you. Beautiful photo's! I love those dirty little baby feet!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Awwww! Those are absolutely precious shots - just like the subjects in them! ;)

WW: Dinosaur & Dragon Conga Drama

Hannah Nicole said...

Such sweet photos -- especially the baby feet one. Darling; too presh!

Have a lovely day!

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

These are lovely shots. I know how you feel - my family is all spread out too. Cherish the moments ... you actually appreciate them more with separation!

Amy said...

How fun that the boys are close in age. That will be great as the age!

Amy @ Missional Mama

Anonymous said...

Adorable photos! So cute!