Wednesday, March 23, 2011

B's First Year in Photos

This is video is primarily for my family and friends who have been unable to see our little one grow and change on a day to day basis.  Many of you have seen these photos, but here is a video from the day B was born through his first year of life.

I hope you enjoy it, but it's a long one!

(It may take a little while to load, so I would start it, then pause for a few moments, allowing it to load, before starting again.)

B's First Year from Amber cullum on Vimeo.


4 Lettre Words said...

LOVE it, Amber! What a blessed year you've had.

Rebecca B said...

Beautiful video! What a wonderful way to remember the past year.

Kay K said...

Great Video ....Its hard to believe that he is a year old !!!!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

How fun! This will be a beautiful slideshow to look back on in years to come!

Casey Martinez said...

awwww, all those small baby pictures made my heart well up with goes SO fast doesn't it! My little girl's BD is next week and I am going to be doing a slideshow too! your songs are darling!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. So cute!