Friday, February 18, 2011

Journey of Faith Friday: Praying God's Word

Praying God's Word

"While the agent of renovation is the Divine Spirit, and the condition of renovation is our cleaving to Christ, the medium of renovation and the weapon which the transforming grace employs is 'the word of the truth of the gospel,' whereby we are sanctified."
-Alexander MacLaren

It is true, at least for those of us who have heard and believed the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is true, that the first act of being renewed from our state of disrepair is our cleaving to Christ.  It is true, that God gives us His Divine Spirit, as an agent to produce a more Christ-like life.  But, what else?  There is more!  The WORD.  The WORD is the means God uses to transform us.  The weapon He uses to renew our entire being.

I have known this, but just like so many others each step on this 'Journey of Faith' has led me to a deeper understanding, a deeper appreciation, a deeper craving for all things HIM, for all things TRUTH.

A few weeks ago, I could feel the stirring of the Spirit deep within me.  I was feeling discontent with life, but there was a little flicker of light within. A light nudging me to make changes, to take another step towards holiness.  

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

I began thinking about the steps I have taken in my life, that were a result of the Holy Spirit's leading.  Steps that have led me away from strongholds and into the freedom of Christ.  First, Bible studies, then counseling, then solution work (ask me another time), then the gratitude journal--these being the most transformational.  However, I am now facing a new element, a new side of strongholds that are being unveiled during this new season of motherhood.  

I felt led to open Beth Moore's book, Praying God's Word.  I have browsed this book many times, but never has it taken root as it did this day.  I didn't read every page, only the introduction, but immediately knew this was the next step on my "Journey of Faith."  The next step to becoming more Christ-like was to begin praying God's Word.  Not on occasion, but daily.  

Beth's introduction was primarily based on this verse, "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world.  On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ - 2 Corinthians 10:3-5."

She goes on to define a stronghold (based on 2 Cor. 10:3-5)as any argument or pretension that "sets itself up against the knowledge of God."  It is anything that exalts itself in our minds, pretending to be more powerful than our God (Moore, B. Praying God's Word. 3).  

I asked myself, "What is exalted in my mind?  What pretends to be more powerful than our God?"  

I challenge you to ask yourself those same questions.  

As those questions alone will start you on a journey of becoming more Christ-like.  If you truly desire an answer, I don't believe you can ask yourself those questions without experiencing, at least, a nudge from the Divine Holy Spirit, if not a push or a complete knock-out. 

I digress.....for a good reason, of course.

I write all of this to say God is still making beauty from ashes (Isa. 61:3).  He has made and is still making me a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).  He is still sanctifying me by the truth of His word (John 17:17).  Now, in a more powerful way than ever before!   

As I begin this journey of praying God's Word, I ask that you would hold me accountable.  Some of you see me every day or almost every day, so ask me, "How is it going?"  I need it.  We all do.
You can read previous Journey of Faith posts HERE.

Every Friday, I post about the work God is doing or has done in my life, as I journey on this road of faith.

How is God working in your life as you journey with Him?

Would you consider sharing it with us today?

If you decide to share...enter the URL to your exact post below.  If you join, please help us find one another by sharing the "Journey of Faith" graphic within your post.

Amber's Articles


Carolina said...

Really enjoyed reading your post. And I needed Cor 10:3-5 today out of all days- I'll be adding this to our list of verses to memorize.

I have used the word 'stronghold' many times, but have never had to put it into words. Very eye opening for me to read it the way Beth Moore writes it.

Thanks for sharing your heart!

Anonymous said...

Now I know there was a reason I found you....or found you through Katie =)

I am SOOO excited to continue reading posts like this every Friday. I have learned so much from this post alone & can't wait to take more from each and every one of your upcoming posts. I'll have to go back and read previous ones as well! I love this & thanks again for sharing this! xoxo

Rebecca B said...

This spoke to my heart today. Praying God's Word is really the only way to get through life- to face our strongholds and become a conqueror for Christ, yet so many times I don't do this. Beth Moore's "Praying God's Word" is sitting right next to me, on the side table 3 feet away. Thank you for encouraging me to pick it up again. I will try to remember to ask you how it's going periodically and love if you do the same for me :)

Amy said...

A good reminder. Thanks. I have not read her book, but it looks like a good one.

Hope you are well, my friend.
Amy @ Missional Mama

Kindra said...

I'm so glad you linked this post to your Journey of Faith this week because I have been planning to go back and read it. I love this post.

I actually just journaled the other day using 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 as my guide. What a powerful truth God has given us! This gives me such hope and comfort in my journey to become a wife and mother that pleases the Lord.

I know I see you almost every day :), so I will be asking you how your journey is going and please ask me the same!