I am thankful for:
January 17, 2010
1919. for all of the kind comments from dear friends regarding my photos
1920. for the much needed rain
1921. for an almost empty grocery store, while shopping this evening
1922. for educational children's shows
1923. for time reading Understanding Exposure
1924. for the helpful tutorial on mommagoround regarding customized blog page bar
1925. for B's increased speed while army crawling
1926. for B's "grunting" while working so hard to pull himself up
1927. for greeting Sam at the door after work
1928. for our 2011 Scripture memory challenge that Sam and I are doing together
January 18, 2011
1929. for going through and getting rid of unwanted papers, magazines, etc.
1930. for the smell of a clean bathroom
1931. for walking around South Tampa photographing with B in tow
1932. that I am now a lifetime member of Clickin Moms
1933. for watching B pull himself up into standing multiple times today
1934. that Sam encouraged me to begin blogging a few years ago
January 19, 2011
1935. for the lesson about King Hezekiah and how it challenged me to evaluate my prayer life and interaction with God
1936. that God listens when I pray to Him
1937. that despite the worlds taunts, I know the truth God has set before me
1938. for how content B is during B.S.F.
1939. for the beautiful day allowing me to practice reflection and silhouette shots
1940. for our picnic on Davis Island
1941. for conversation and prayer with dear friends
1942. for desires and efforts to make change
January 20, 2011
1943. for an excellent well-baby check up for B
1944. for schedules that allowed Kindra and I to walk with the boys
1945. for good news regarding Tim's job search
1946. for enjoyable dinner and conversation with family
1947. for Bennett's independent play and exploration today
1948. that tomorrow is a new day and I can choose to be joyful versus cranky
1949. that my copy of One Thousand Gifts arrived today
January 27, 2011
1950. that the Gratitude Community keeps growing
1951. that today I was presented with questions that challenge me to take a deeper inventory of my life
1952. that God brought to my attention that I am not giving Him thanks through out the day
1953. for Ann Voskamp and her writing
1954. for the joy Bennett brings us
1955. to hear my granny's voice
1956. for glimpses of righteousness
1957. for playing cards and a glass of wine with my husband
1958. for the absence of TV tonight
1959. for my chat with Hannah
January 22, 2011
1960. for our trip taking Christmas stuff back to storage
1961. to have Sam home for the weekend
1962. that we finally lowered Bennett's crib
1963. for catching up with Rebecca
1964. for spending time with friends during Steve's surprise party
1965. for Carolina's thoughtfulness and love she has for her husband
1966. that Sandy stayed to chat with us for a while when we got home
January 23, 2011
1967. for Heather, our pre-school administrator
1968. to be able to encourage someone through a past experience
1969. that Sam was able to fix the sink
1970. for Bloom's upcoming videos with Ann Voskamp regarding her book--One Thousand Gifts
love it! i just got my book and began my journey today on my blog. i love love love your sweet list and i love those baby blue eyes on your little tot!!
I LOVE the picture of Bennett standing up! he looks more and more like Braxton as he grows up.
It was great to spend time with you on Saturday- and I loved getting together earlier on the week to pray. It is always such a blessing.
Beautiful list of your bountiful blessings!
Wonderful things to be thankful for. I love the second photo.
Hearing your granny's voice is a beautiful gift, and your pictures are beautiful.
1this is awesome and really inspiring, thanks!
I love reading these posts... I learn so much about you and the things you love. I'm excited to be on this journey with you. Thanks for being so commited in this and encouraging all of us to join the community!
Your excitement is contagious - I just ordered 'One Thousand Gifts' and should have it Wednesday!
I second #s 1935 and 1937. And I love all of B's pictures - and him!
I just got my book yesterday! Excited to join you in the Bloom book club. :)
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