LOL love it! If you coat the pieces with cereal it's easier for them to pick up. For Abby I would crush cheerios into fine powder than put it in a baggie with the banana pieces and shake...coats them and makes them non-slippery :)
Also - is that with your flip? How'd you get it so big???
There are barely any bananas left! When Jack started eating he'd bring a couple to his mouth but only get a few. Oh the torture Bennett must endure! :)
As somebody with no babies. I have no tips to offer. I just watched it and smiled the whole time. I don't have baby experience - but realize a God Parable when I see one. I am a little jealous that you have this living God parable,
The Bananas = the Christian life - bits of God - or Scripture - my mind spins...
- We grab for stuff - We don't know what to do with what we've grabbed - How he encourages us - happy with our imperfect efforts - and - how it makes us feel - How he helps us grab stuff - How he finds what we drop
there is so much - I want this on my blog - I want to use it for a God parable - can I? Can I? You would get full editing privileges:) and final copy approval:)I know how it made me smile. All I have for analogies is Laska the Love Kitty - not a real little samber.
And the music in the background - there is so much...
LOL love it! If you coat the pieces with cereal it's easier for them to pick up. For Abby I would crush cheerios into fine powder than put it in a baggie with the banana pieces and shake...coats them and makes them non-slippery :)
Also - is that with your flip? How'd you get it so big???
There are barely any bananas left! When Jack started eating he'd bring a couple to his mouth but only get a few. Oh the torture Bennett must endure! :)
He's such a hard worker:) Very cute!
That is one of the most precious videos! :) I love the commentary too. Thanks for the smiles.
As somebody with no babies. I have no tips to offer. I just watched it and smiled the whole time. I don't have baby experience - but realize a God Parable when I see one. I am a little jealous that you have this living God parable,
The Bananas = the Christian life - bits of God - or Scripture - my mind spins...
- We grab for stuff
- We don't know what to do with what we've grabbed
- How he encourages us - happy with our imperfect efforts - and - how it makes us feel
- How he helps us grab stuff
- How he finds what we drop
there is so much - I want this on my blog - I want to use it for a God parable - can I? Can I? You would get full editing privileges:) and final copy approval:)I know how it made me smile. All I have for analogies is Laska the Love Kitty - not a real little samber.
And the music in the background - there is so much...
haha!! love it!
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