Brotherly Kindness
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. 5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.
2 Peter 1:3-7
It was the end of my junior year of college and I soooooooooooo wanted to go to the first One Day Conference in Memphis, TN (if you haven't heard of One Day you may recognize Passion Conferences or the music of Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, Matt Redmon, etc.). However, the tickets were expensive and I was broke. Plus, none of my "close" friends were going. I knew a few people who were going, but mostly acquaintances. One of those acquaintances, who is now one of the best friends I have ever known, offered to ask her parents to assist me. She stated my parents frequently help people in this way. They support missionaries and stuff. Plus, you gotta go!! Okay, so those aren't the exact words, but if you know Hannah you know they are close.
A few days later Hannah brought me a white envelope and I was able to buy a ticket to One Day. I was so thankful. I had never met Hannah's parents and honestly I had only hung out with Hannah a handful of times.
The One Day Conference was an amazing experience. Thousands of young adults gathered on a farm in rural Memphis worshipping the LORD. I will never forget being on my face before the LORD while Chris Tomlin sang Give Us Clean Hands.
My faith journey is still be impacted as a result of my time at the One Day Conference. I still sing many of those songs. I still hear Psalms being read over the loud speaker as the rain fell. But most of all God developed a friendship between Hannah and I that challenges me on a spiritual level and brings me more LAUGHter and joy than I can describe.
I am forever thankful for the gift Dick and Cheryl gave me that day. They showed me brotherly kindness in a way I had not experienced at that point in my life. However, the greatest gift they have given me is their daughter.
Hannah, John, and I in front of the main stage
Maria, Hannah, me, Danny, and Lee
Hannah and I at her wedding
Cheryl and I
Hannah and her dad, Dick
Do you remember a time when you have been shown brotherly kindness?
Would you consider sharing it with us today? How did the kind act of another impact your faith journey?
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Thank you for sharing.
It is a joy to read of God's work in the lives of His children.
It is a joy to read of God's work in the lives of His children.
Next Friday: Personally, my faith journey has been impacted several times by the kindness of others. Therefore, next week we are going to continue sharing how our faith journey has been impacted by the kind act of another. This is a wonderful opportunity to thank those individuals who have blessed you through their kindness and generosity.
Have a blessed day in the LORD Jesus!

Wow...I didn't know that! I'm sure Sam has told you that he and Kyle participated in that first One Day, also.
I had been using the previous Passion cd's as I prayed for the event, and then, after the event, I used the live recording of songs and prayers from that day in my intercession for months and months.
What a great story and I love the pictures from Hannah's wedding! That song of 'give us pure hearts' is pretty powerful and it speaks to me every time.
I'm planning on working on my journey of faith post tonight. Have fun this weekend at the game! :)
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