Friday, April 28, 2017

2017 Project 365: 4/16-4/22

April 16th:  It was a wonderful Easter.  We hosted 35 people (including children) in our home for lunch and an egg hunt after church and it was GREAT.  Each family brought a dish, the weather was lovely, and we ate and played and hunted and thanked God for His gift of salvation.

April 17th:  I did not take any photos

April 18th:  The kids are on Spring Break this week, so they were with me for our MOPS play date.  

April 19th:  Post-lunch play at Marbles is always a fun time.

April 20th:  Working on a paper airplane.

April 21st:  Hey guys, come get me :)

April 22nd:  I did not take any photos.

I have been in a creative slump lately, so this week's photos are kind of BLAH.  However, I am still glad I am taking them, because it is great to look back and remember what the kids were doing throughout the year.

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