Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Zoe!

One year ago today God blessed Sam and I with a baby girl.
Happy Birthday sweet Zoe!

I hope I always remember the way I felt when I held you for the first time and realized you were healthy.

I hope I always remember the newborn nights you would only sleep on my chest.

I hope I always remember that you spent almost every church service napping on my chest in the Ergo your first year.

I hope I always remember looking into your beautiful brown eyes and realizing why my mom always told me my eyes were so beautiful.

I hope I always remember your baby curls at the nape of your neck.

I hope I always remember the way you play peek-a-boo by covering your eyes with one open hand.

I hope I always remember how you stand the gate the screaming to climb the stairs and get your brother.

I hope I always remember how your dad can not walk in the room without you demanding he hold you.

I hope I always remember how ticklish you were and how you loved to be thrown in air.

I hope I always remember the way you love to jump in the crib with your brother.

I hope I always remember how you throw yourself backwards on the bed kicking your legs up in the air.  

I hope I always remember how you throw your paci on the ground when you don't want to go to sleep.

I hope I always remember how you loved to eat and weighed 25 pounds before your first birthday.

I hope I always remember how you weren't always huge fan of the water or sand, but now you crawl as fast as you can to the deep parts of the splash pad and you dump sand on your own head.

I hope I always remember how you refuse to drink out of a sippy cup unless it has a straw.

I hope I always remember the way you grunt and hold your arms straight out at chest level with hands up when you want something.

I hope I always remember how you enjoyed playing with your brothers letters.  You would crawl around with one hanging out of your mouth like a cigar.

I hope I always remember how you loved to chew on whole carrots, pizza crust, and apple slices.

I hope I always remember how much I love your sweet baby rolls.

I hope I always remember how your brother asked to go with me to get you up from almost every nap by saying, "Let's go get Zoinator."

I hope I always remember how you use wipes to try to wipe your face and clean your brother's bottom.

I hope I always remember how you weren't much of a snuggler, but when you did snuggle it brought indescribable joy to this momma's heart.  

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