For Bennett's 3rd Birthday I asked him a series of questions that I hope to repeat each year. Some of these are simply hilarious, because he just said the first thing that popped into his mind. Others answers are exactly what I thought he would say.
- Favorite Color: Green
- Favorite Toy: Word World Blocks
- Favorite Fruit: Orange. Then, I said, "You never eat oranges," so he said, "Banana and Ginormous Blueberry."
- Favorite TV Show or Movie: Word World
- Favorite thing to eat for lunch: Cheese Stick
- Favorite Game: Hi Ho Cherry-O
- Favorite Snack: Cow Mix (aka. Trail Mix), M & M's
- Favorite Animal: Sheep. All of them are my favorite.
- Favorite song: "Cars" song (I only wish I knew what he was referring to)
- Favorite book: He named several, but primarily the ones I had just read to him prior to our interview (Mr. Frumbles ABC's, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom)
- Who is your best friend: Isaac and Eli
- Favorite thing to do outside: Go in my new house (how he refers the small plastic play gym Shiloh gave to him).
- Favorite Drink: Water
- What do you like to take to bed with you at night? My blanket.
- Favorite thing to eat for breakfast: Yogurt
- What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Cake
- What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know...older. Then he said, "A daddy."
- Imagine you can become invisible, what would you do? Hide. Close my eyes.
- I am very proud because ______________
- I am afraid to go in the dark like Franklin.
- Name one thing you do really well? Play
- Describe what it means to be a good friend? It means to do right.
- Favorite time of day? When I wake up.
- Describe your best day ever? Play Doker's song. (Doker is one of his make believe friends)
- Describe your favorite hobby: _______________
- Climbing is koala's.
- I wish there were a law that said, "What does that mean?"
- What makes you feel sad? I don't know
- What makes you feel happy? Playing animals.
- Pretend you can fly. Where would you go? The forrest. To the pond.
- Where do you want to go on vacation? He just gave silly answers like, "Binkie and Doker."
- If you could choose a different name what would you choose? Blooke
- What is your favorite thing to do with mom and dad? Go to bath.
- What would you say about Jesus? Good
Love it! Such a cute idea! I may have to steal this one. :)
I simply can't believe he is three! Which means I will soon have a (gulp) four year old. At least Caleb will still be my baby for awhile.
Very nice interview and David and I love the pictures.
I hope I will always remember Bennett telling you (as you used "buddy" as a synonym for "best friend") that he could not be your buddy because he wasn't made of duplos.
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