Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A 3 Year Old Interview: Bennett

For Bennett's 3rd Birthday I asked him a series of questions that I hope to repeat each year.  Some of these are simply hilarious, because he just said the first thing that popped into his mind.  Others answers are exactly what I thought he would say.

  1. Favorite Color: Green
  2. Favorite Toy:  Word World Blocks
  3. Favorite Fruit:  Orange.  Then, I said, "You never eat oranges," so he said, "Banana and Ginormous Blueberry."
  4. Favorite TV Show or Movie:  Word World
  5. Favorite thing to eat for lunch:  Cheese Stick
  6. Favorite Game: Hi Ho Cherry-O
  7. Favorite Snack:  Cow Mix (aka. Trail Mix), M & M's 
  8. Favorite Animal:  Sheep.  All of them are my favorite.
  9. Favorite song: "Cars" song (I only wish I knew what he was referring to)
  10. Favorite book: He named several, but primarily the ones I had just read to him prior to our interview (Mr. Frumbles ABC's, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom)
  11. Who is your best friend: Isaac and Eli
  12. Favorite thing to do outside: Go in my new house (how he refers the small plastic play gym  Shiloh gave to him).
  13. Favorite Drink: Water
  14. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  My blanket.
  15. Favorite thing to eat for breakfast:  Yogurt
  16. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Cake
  17. What do you want to be when you grow up?  I don't know...older.  Then he said, "A daddy."
  18. Imagine you can become invisible, what would you do?  Hide.  Close my eyes.
  19. I am very proud because ______________
  20. I am afraid to go in the dark like Franklin.
  21. Name one thing you do really well?  Play
  22. Describe what it means to be a good friend?  It means to do right.
  23. Favorite time of day?  When I wake up.
  24. Describe your best day ever?  Play Doker's song.  (Doker is one of his make believe friends)
  25. Describe your favorite hobby: _______________
  26. Climbing is koala's.
  27. I wish there were a law that said, "What does that mean?"
  28. What makes you feel sad?  I don't know
  29. What makes you feel happy?  Playing animals.
  30. Pretend you can fly.  Where would you go?  The forrest.  To the pond.
  31. Where do you want to go on vacation?  He just gave silly answers like, "Binkie and Doker."
  32. If you could choose a different name what would you choose?  Blooke
  33. What is your favorite thing to do with mom and dad?  Go to bath.
  34. What would you say about Jesus?  Good


Amanda said...

Love it! Such a cute idea! I may have to steal this one. :)
I simply can't believe he is three! Which means I will soon have a (gulp) four year old. At least Caleb will still be my baby for awhile.

Sandy said...

Very nice interview and David and I love the pictures.

I hope I will always remember Bennett telling you (as you used "buddy" as a synonym for "best friend") that he could not be your buddy because he wasn't made of duplos.