November 30, 2011
3127. for how well B has been playing by himself
3128. for the energy to clean up the house after being gone for the holiday
3129. for the encouraging message at B.S.F. surrounding Heb. 2-4:13
3130. for the sweet woman who greets us with a smile when I drop off/pick up B at B.S.F.
3131. for the cool, crisp air this morning
3132. for speaking a specific prayer, trusting God to answer, and experiencing the joy when He answered quickly
3133. that B took a 2 hour nap today
3134. for the many times B hugged his daddy this evening
3135. for warm chili, decaf coffee, and tree decorating on a cold evening
3136. for paying off my school loan!!!!
December 1, 2011
3137. for a thoughtful, unique gift from Anna
3138. for Bennett and Bradford playing nicely, independently, and overall quietly in the house today
3139. for B's excitement to get a new "choo choo"
3140. for the way B comes and sits on my lap when he wants attention
3141. for facetime with my sister
3142. that my father in law is home from the hospital and recovering from surgery
December 2, 2011
3143. for an evening out with friends celebrating Carolina's birthday
3144. for honest, open conversation filled with love and LAUGHter
December 3, 2011
3145. for Bradford's sweet voice saying my name
3146. for the Andrew Peterson Christmas CD: Behold the Lamb of God
3147. for KENTUCKY's win over North Carolina
December 4, 2011
3148. for the two butterflies fluttering along during my run
3149. for the sound fallen leaves make when blowing along the pavement
3150. that my husband and friends finished Tough Mudder and had a blast doing it
3151. for comfort food
Yeah for paying off debt! Congrats.
Sam did a tough mudder? I would love to hear more about this. There will be one in Maysville next year and it sounds tough but has intrigued me.
Hope Sam's dad recovers completely and swiftly.
I'm with JCo - yay for paying off that college debt. I need to pay mine off.
Little boys and their trains--love it! And paying off loans, what a relief that is. Great list! Enjoyed visiting from Ann's place.
So happy to read about Bennett's 2 hour nap!! Hope he's getting back into a routine this week... and congratulations on paying off your student loan! I must say my favorite part of the weekend was Starbucks with you and Kindra late Fri night :)
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