I Will Never Leave You
Do you need reassurance this morning? Reassurance of the Lord's presence, reassurance of His constant guidance in your life?
There are days when I ask the Lord to draw near to me my while I struggle through the up's and down's of life.
If you are in that place today, I ask you to close your eyes while listening to the song below (the actual song will finish at 8:16). Allow the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit to fall fresh on you and remember HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU.
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God said,
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
~Hebrews 13:5~
It won't play embedded, but you can click directly through to YouTube when you click play.
Read previous Journey of Faith Friday posts.
Every Friday, I post about the work God is doing or has done in my life, as I journey on this road of faith.
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1 comment:
That's one of the things that keeps me going everyday - he will never leave me and everything I go through has purpose. All for him. Thanks Amber!
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