It's that time again!!! Time to begin thinking about and choosing your 5 favorite photos that you've taken of your children (pets included) during the months of April, May, and June. Just in case you are not a pathological picture taker like me, you still have 16 days to shoot and decide which photos are your favorite. I look forward to seeing your photos, as I really enjoyed viewing everyone's photos from last quarter.
Here are a few details:
- Linky begins Thursday June 30th and will be open through Wednesday July 6th.
- Go through the photos you've taken during April, May, and June
- Choose 5 and post them on your blog or flickr account beginning June 30th
- Please only use photos that include your CHILDREN and/or PETS
- Accompany each photo with a short explanation of why you chose it
- Link up here at Amber's Articles, Click It Up A Notch, or NapTime MomTog
- Be sure to include our Quarterly Top 5 Banner in your post and you will be entered to win one of these gifts:
A Spot in Faith's Simply Photography E-Class
**BONUS GIVEAWAY: If we reach 100 or more entries we will be giving away a
Custom Blurb Book (up to $36.95)
Custom Blurb Book (up to $36.95)
Just like last quarter this is not a contest. You don't have to have the best picture to be considered for the give away. It will be a random give away, as we want to encourage people to share their memories and one person will be chosen for each gift. So start searching those archives and be ready to share your favorites with us beginning June 30th.
One last thing, if you would be so kind to add our button to your side bar to help spread the word we would appreciate it.
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I would love to enter again so I will have to start looking through my pics! Fun!
I really want to do this but am going to need help with the linking and the button stuff :)
I would love to enter- I will be on a road trip with my family those dates,so if I have internet access I will :)
Alas, most of the pictures of my children these days are taken inadvertently while they are accompanying the grands -- going to have to get intentional and creative here. :-)
I am so excited about this!! :) Lots of people already interested. YAY!
Very cool Amber! I'm going to try to remember to enter!
I like your Proverbs 4:13 photo. Can I use it (with credit) on Family Fountain? And how do you do pictures like that?
i have mine posted already and just have to wait till it opens! can't wait to see everyone's!
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