A few weeks ago, my dear friend, Kindra invited us to go with her and Anlon to Mosi. Mosi is a Tampa "community based institution [that focuses on]...science, industry, and technology." They have a large kids playground with various interactive activities. I shared a few photos HERE and HERE, but our guys are too small to really enjoy the children's area. However, Mosi had an exhibit that Kindra and I really enjoyed. The exhibit was titled:
Three Hours, Two Towers,
A Lifetime to Remember
Basically, a young girl in Pasco County, Florida had an idea to decorate retired fire hydrants in remembrance of 9/11. The idea eventually materialized and is simply breathtaking. It has now been moved and is expected to be "a premiere display at the opening of the 9/11 Memorial Museum at ground zero in New York City scheduled to open sometime in 2012" (source). You can read and see more photos HERE and view a video HERE.
In hindsight, I would have taken several more photos, but when you're exploring with two young boys in tow, you work on their schedules.
The detail that went into each hydrant was AMAZING!!
To see the bald eagle (our national emblem that represents "long life, great strength, and majestic [beauty]" source) shedding a tear evoked raw emotion.
Each hydrant was accompanied with the artist name, title, and the meaning behind the hydrant's theme. The description below accompanied the hydrant in the above (2) photos. All I can say is, "WOW!"
In order to continue reading and enjoying the exhibit we had to let Bennett in on the fun.
Anlon was content in the stroller.
The top was covered with tears, but the bottom displays our resilience in difficult times. Notice the police officers holding the American flag.
I hope you have the opportunity to view this exhibit one day. It was full of beauty, thoughtfulness, emotion, hope, and talent. The best part, it all started with a 9 year old girl and an idea.
What a wonderful idea - and those are all so amazing!
WW: Incredible Shrinking Girl
What a remarkable exhibit!
What an amazing memory in the making! Love it!
And yes, chasing after little ones at a museum does change how you go about that museum!
That looks like a super neat exhibit!!!!
Wasn't it so awesome that we were there right before this exibit moved to New York?! It really was such an incredible idea that this little girl had. I'm so glad we took the time to explore this and thankfully the boys cooperated! Your pictures turned out great!!
Oh wow! What a great exhibit!
Wow! What an amazing exhibit!
Sounds like a great exhibit ... it's been a long time since I've been to Mosi (I grew up in the area).
these are inspiring. how neat
Love this!
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