Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Beester is 11 months old!!

It has been a busy 11th month for our little Beester.  The month began on a rough note, as B had his first cold.  For a few weeks, life felt much like it did during the first few months of his life.  However, when the cold was gone, our happy little boy was back...........AMEN!!!

On February 4th, he finally began transitioning from supine to sit (aka. lying on his back to sitting) independently.  He could make this transition prior to this date, but he would go from his belly to his knees, then he would stand, before sitting.

Another huge feat..............He climbed our stairs, without assistance, on Feburary 9th.  I must say, I was SHOCKED!  Sam was home from work and I was going somewhere with Kindra, so Vipul and Anlon were coming over to hang out with Sam.  While at the door, B was playing at the steps.  Sam was beside him when he began climbing.  He looked back a few times, but kept going with daddy close behind.

He has been cruising along furniture since last month, but last week he began transitioning from one piece of furniture to another.  He has also begun walking behind his Thomas the Train mobile, but is very unsteady.

Early in the month, he began giving open mouth kisses (he hasn't done this as much recently).  If we say, "Arms Up!"  He will lift his arms overhead.  Currently, if we ask him to dance and he will start bouncing around.  We can also say, "Where's your belly button?"  He will look down, but has yet to pull up his shirt and point to it.  Most days, we can ask him, "What does a dog say and What does a lamb say?"  He will give us a deep "woof, woof and baa."

He continues to use baby sign, as a way to communicate with us.  His "more" sign is very clear and accurate.  He now signs "water" with an open hand over his mouth.  Although, the sign is not accurate, we know it, because he does it when he sees us take a drink out of a cup, when we say water, and when he wants his sippy cup.  We continue to work on several signs hoping he will pick them up not only for our benefit, but to communicate with his cousin, Prema, who is deaf.

He is a chatter box.  He tries to repeat/mimic many of our words, especially those starting with the letter B.  He consistently says, "Mama, Dada, Bye, Hi, Baba (bottle), and Ba (ball)."  When he sees a bird, he attempts the word with, "Bi," and mimics a car with, "Vah, Vah" from vroom, vroom.  Just last night, he repeated Cheese.

He loves to open kitchen cabinets and drawers, all the while pulling out any and everything he can find.  Like most kids his age, he would rather play with a box or a bag stuffed full of random objects.  He does really enjoy looking at books, which I consider a huge blessing.
(linking this photo up to Faith's Simplicity Photo Challenge-Theme, Everyday Life)
He still loves his plastic fish, Goldie, but also has a new attachment toy.  Last year, when my parents came to meet him for the first time, they brought a stuffed rabbit that said, "Jesus Loves Me" on the chest.  It also plays the song.  A few weeks ago, while punky and I were playing in his room, I pulled out all of the stuffed animals he had been given.  He enjoyed playing with them, but was particularly drawn to the rabbit.  Now, when I go in to get him, after his nap, he always hands me the rabbit and grunts, so that I will make him play, "Jesus Loves Me."  We, affectionately, call him REGIS.
He continues to love being outside........especially when he is only wearing his diaper.  He will lay down in the grass and look up at the sky FOREVER!

OH, and I almost forgot........he has 8 teeth.  He has not cut any new teeth this month, but I forgot to mentioned his 8 teeth in his 10 month post.

It is hard to believe this time next month I will be writing about his first birthday, but it's true.  My little punky butt will be 1 next month.

I am linking this up to The Happiness Project, because B's budding personality makes me happy.  I am linking up to My3Boybarians, because I think Darcy is awesome and I consider any photo of Bennett a sweet shot.  


Stephanie Thigpen said...

Oh my goodness, I really don't think he can get ANY cuter!!

The Boney's said...

Love this! You are so good at keeping track of important events! He will be walking in no time! Would love to see him lie and look at the sky. He is already taking in all of God's creation!

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Oh goodness.... what a darling boy! I love this age... so much. That picture of him looking back from the fallen garbage can gave me a laugh!

Jessica said...

I feel the need to kiss on those cheeks and hes not even mine! LOL He is a total cutie!

4 Lettre Words said...

He's the cutest thing ever, Amber! I know you can't wait to get some cake-smash pics in a few weeks. :)

- Jessi - said...

He is so cute! Look at those cheeks, love it!

Kindra said...

That video makes me smile from ear to ear. And I LOVE the photo of him in the laundry area - what a perfect shot of everyday life!! I sure do love punky B - so glad we're a part of his life :)

Susan Anderson said...

What a cute little chunk of baby boy he is!


elizabeth said...

great captures-
makes me miss that age!!

Summer said...

Love these shots! The first is my fav!

Gina Kleinworth said...

What a fun time- oh how I miss it.

I love that shot of the face that says he clearly didn't like the taste of leaves. My kids always made that face with that little head/body shake that comes with it- it's cute every time.

Carolina said...

He is such a cutie and still such a big boy! Loved your update today, too bad I can't watch the video from work. Love him!

Anonymous said...

adorable photos. I love the one of him eating the leaf!

Actuary Mom said...

he is such a cute chunky monkey!

Nicole said...

Love love all of them!

Courtney said...

I love the collage of him playing in your dishes! Love the different angles...especially the one from above!!!

Anonymous said...

Love that boy! And his mom takes such great photos of him!

faith ann raider said...

Awwwww so adorable! These are such great shots :)

faith ann raider said...

Picked your photo for Top 5!