Thursday, October 7, 2010

An honest confession from a new mom: Part II

Many of you read the post of frustration, An honest confession from a new mom
I wrote when Bennett was about 2 1/2 months old.  
Well, Part II is.................

It is true what people say--It does get better!!!

We endured some difficult nights while trying to get Bennett to realize that he didn't need to hang out with mom and dad between the hours of 3 a.m. and 6 a.m., but once he began sleeping life got much better for all of us.

I wish I had magical advice for those of you who are wondering if it will ever get better, but I don't.
No one does.  That is why the most common thing seasoned mothers tell new mothers is, 
"Just hang in there.  It does get better."
Sam and I noticed subtle improvements in Bennett's fussiness throughout his fourth and fifth month.  I think once he was able to roll around on the floor and play he was much happier.  I also think his digestion system maturity lead to much less gas and pain.
Those are two things that only come with time.  

For those of you who have a textbook baby or a baby that has been easy going since birth you are very fortunate.  Be careful not to judge those who are struggling, because more than likely it is not something they are or are not doing.  


Brooke said...

Love this Amber. I am going to share it with a friend who is having a difficult time with her baby. :) I love your honesty!

Mama Smors said...

So glad it is getting better.... and that is all one mommy can say to another. It is so true! There is no magic anything that can be done :)

Kindra said...

I am SO happy that things are better! You are an incredible mother and I continue to be encouraged and inspired by your honesty. I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to see your story come to this happy 'ending' :)

Rebecca B said...

Thanks for the honesty! I totally remember that first post and told myself that even though I was going to have a child and it would be a blessing, to remember that it might not always feel like that! And it's true...I love Hannah with all my heart, but on nights (like this past hour) when her little tummy just won't stop churning and the gas is bothering her so bad, it can get frustrating. It's good to hear this--it came at the perfect moment for me tonight! Thanks!

majorfam said...

So glad things are going well now. It is so true, ever experience is so different. Bennett is so stinkin adorable! And that giggle is SOOO great.

Amanda said...

Yeah! I am so glad that he is doing better and the whole Cullum clan is getting more rest. When Mom is rested, the whole family is happier!

Zoe said...

I'm glad things are getting easier with your babe, I love the colour photos of him!

Lela said...

It is hard for all of us. And it's always good to reach back and tell others that it IS true ... it DOES get better. Every season I've been in just seems to get better and better. You are a wonderful mother!