Monday, August 9, 2010

Multitude Monday X and XI

I am thankful:

July 25, 2010

731.  for how I feel after a good work out or after working outside.  There is something rewarding about being covered in sweat after working hard.

732.  for how it feels while standing in the shower with cool water pouring onto my head

733.  for feeling clean and relaxed

734.  that Anlon Vipul Shah arrived at 10:06 a.m.

735.  that Kindra and baby are doing well

736.  for Bennett's calm personality today

737.  that I got to discuss my weekend with my sister this morning

738.  that Tampa Bay Rays got their first no hitter (go Matt Garza!!)

739.  that for how easy it is to use your cell phone to talke to anyone/anywhere

740.  for going to bed early

July 27, 2010

741.  that Bennett never fails to smile when he first sees me in the morning

742.  to hold sweet baby Anlon in my arms

743.  that Bennett didn't cry in the car on the way to the Custer's

744.  that God is growing His kingdom through all of the children being born into families that desire to serve Him

745.  that I actually got everything done today (meal cooked for us and the Custer's, showered, dried my hair, took Custer's meal, tood Shah's dinner and met Anlon at the hospital, and took care of Bennett)

746.  that my mother-in-law started Multitude Monday's

747.  for new, tasty recipes

748.  for laying in bed reading beside my husband

749.  for sitting still

750.  for lamps that we can so easily reach over and switch on and off

July 28, 2010

Today has been challenging.  I am tired and stressed over our budget and Bennett's continued sleep struggles.

751.  that today my baby boy is a healthy, growing 4 month old

752.  that despite our strict budget we still have more than enough food on the table every day

753.  that God is in control

754.  that the arborist we hired finally showed up to start trimming/cutting our trees

755.  for neighbors we call friends

756.  for time spent hanging out with Natasha and Noah (it was too short)

757.  that God doesn't give up on me

758.  for a cooler evening

759.  that at the end of the day I can lay down and reflect on my day and de-stress through deep breathing, writing and prayer

760.  that tomorrow the sun will come up again and we can start a new

July 29, 2010

761.  that Sam took baby duty unexpectedly last night allowing me to sleep till 4:30 a.m., undisturbed. 

762.  for Carolina and Jack coming over to spend time with us today

763.  for Jack's sweet smile

764.  for Bennett's laugh when I tickle him

765.  for the years I spent volunteering in Access Ministry.  What a sweet experience!

766.  for time reflecting on memories with my papaw Jim

767.  that God knows our hearts and loves us more than we can imagine

768.  for our return to Thursday night dinner with my in laws

769.  for Matthew and Jackie joining Thursday night dinner

770.  for JOY

July 30, 2010

771.  that my mom found comfort and strength through God's word and her prayers

772.  that our trees have been trimmed and our large tree (that was infested) has been cut down

773.  for Justin Neiderer and Todd Hogan's service in the Air Force

774.  for being able to celebrate Justin's promotion with he and his family while my mother-in-law baby sat Bennett

775.  for dirinks and conversation with friends

776.  for being able to relax while away from Bennett, because I knew he was safe and taken care of

777.  for my aunt Sandy calling to update me about papaw

778.  for the sweet relationship Dalton has with papaw

779.  for the gorgeous view of the bay out the window of the "Bay Club" at West Shore Yacht Club

780.  that it's time to rest

July 31, 2010

781.  for the Nichole Nordeman song "Every Season"

782.  for time at the park with Bennett, Brandi Seals and her boys, Bethany and Roman, Carolina and Jack, Whitney and her boys, Natasha/Arron and Noah, Lela and Truett, Andrea and Owen, and Alex and her kids

783.  for excellent milk production the last few days while pumping

784.  for being able to take newborn pictures of Anlon

785.  for an excellent dinner at Ruby Tuesday's with Sam and sweet Bennett

786.  for walking around Barnes and Noble/  There was a sweet lady who invited us to story time.

787.  for learning

788.  for our MAC computer

789.  that Sam got to ride his bike today for a few hours

790.  for our continued safety in all areas of life

August 1, 2010

791.  that my papaw is walking that street of gold with his Savior

792.  that we were able to find me a plane ticket to Kentucky

793.  that Bennett and I arrived safely in Lexington

794.  that the  LORD answered prayer giving me gracious people on the planes and in the airport that helped us

795.  for my cousin Amanda coming to get us, letting us use her infant car seat, and stay at her house

796.  for forgiveness given and recieved

797.  for Bennett's increased chattering this morning and tonight with Kenny and Amanda

798.  for restroom changing tables

799.  for water fountains

800.  for the generousity of my in-laws and their unending support

August 2, 2010

801.  for how much Avery enjoyed playing with Bennett

802.  for a safe drive to Prestonsburg

803.  for the beautiful scenery while dring the Mountain Parkway

804.  for being home!!!

805.  for Braxton's excitement to see me as he opened his arms and said, "Pookie, Pookie!!"  (melts my heart)

806.  that papaw looked so beautiful and peaceful lying in his casket

807.  that my granny Betty, granny Hester, and so many other got to meet Bennett tonight

808.  for the wonderful memory video of my papaw

809.  for sharing memories about papaw with Dalton and sis

810.  for the sweet embrace of so many familar arms

August 3, 2010

811.  for the honor of standing up at papaw's funeral and sharing his euology

812.  for military funeral services

813.  for my sister and brother-in-laws beautiful voices.  They move me to tears in the best of circumstances.

814.  that my cousin Allison took time off work to be at my papaw's funeral (she is my cousin on my dad's side)

815.  for the love papaw showed sis, Dalton, Colby and I

816.  that papaw would hold Bennett's picture on his chest and pat it, laugh, and smile

817.  that I will always be reminded of papaw when I see beautiful flower gardens

818.  for a good country, home cooked meal with family (chicken 'n dumplings, fresh tomatoes, green beans, mashed potatoes, corn, cole slaw, ham, biscuits, peanut butter pie, and banana pudding)  YUM!!!

819.  to see my papaw's sister Patty, brother in law Jack, brother Curt, sister in law Roberta, niece Tammy, brother Ronnie, and my granny's brother Clinton and his family

820.  for all of the sweet ladies who have been caregivers for my papaw and helped my granny

August 4, 2010

821.  for the birds and cicada's I heard when I walked out of papaw and granny's house.  I miss hearing nature so easily and frequently.

822.  for the glow of the sun as it cuts through the valley here in the mountains of Kentucky

823.  for a safe trip to Nashville

824.  that I got to see my dad for the first time since March

825.  for the love I feel when I go home

826.  for listening to sis sing "You Are My Sunshine" to Brax at bedtime.  He joins in on certain words.

827.  to hear Brax say, "Cheese" when a picture is taken

828.  for how well Bennett has done during all of the traveling and schedule changes

829.  that Chris made room for me and Bennett in the car

830.  for going to bed by 10:30 p.m. after many late nights and long days

August 5, 2010

831.  for Braxton's play area in the back yard

832.  for pack-n-plays

833.  for the yummy Salmon sis cooked for dinner

834.  for "hand me downs" (clothes and toys)

835.  for all of the sweet messages I received regarding papaw's passing

836.  for conversation with my life long friend Sarah

837.  for rolling hills and open spaces

838.  for southern hospitality

839.  for a nice warm bed at my sister's

840.  for Braxton's love of trains

August 6, 2010

841.  for tax free weekend in Nashville

842.  for continuing "Journey of Faith Friday" despite a difficult, busy week

843.  that God is my comforter

844.  for our trip to Target and Kohl's with sis

845.  for my sister's advice and help with Bennett

846.  that sis had the day off work

847.  for eating dinner outside while listening to live music with Bennett, sis, Chris and Brax

848.  that my mom is in Prestonsburg spending time with family

849.  that my dad made it back to Oklahoma City safely

850.  for my brother-in-laws gift of teaching music in a fun, fresh way

August 7, 2010

851.  that sis went with me to take Bennett to the walk in clinic

852.  that Braxton enjoyed the farm animals at the fair (cows, roosters, donkeys, horses, sheep, goats,etc)

853.  that Bennett did well at the fair and still enjoys the baby bjorn

854.  for an enjoyable dinner at Bosco's

855.  for the many different gifts God gives people

856.  for the beautiful quilts at the fair

857.  to see life/new experiences through Brax's eyes

858.  for gelato

859.  that Mylicon helped Bennett to finally calm down

860.  that Sam got to hang out with Vipul and his family this weekend

August 8, 2010

861.  that my birthday is 2 days away

862.  for Stan and his gift of preaching/teaching

863.  to worship the LORD beside my sister.  Her voice is one of God's great gifts and a blessing to me.

864.  for the body of Jesus that was broken for me and the blood that was shed for me

865.  that Bennett finally slept for 6 hours straight after 3 really bad nights

866.  for attending Grace Pointe Church this morning.  I always enjoy sis's church.

867.  for the shirt I found for Bennett at Gymboree that reminds me of Sam

868.  for time to sit and type tonight

869.  for cookie dough

870.  for how hard Bennett laughed in the car tonight


Rebecca said...

I love your list! And you're almost to one thousand!! You're an inspiration for me to keep counting on a more regular basis!

The Thomas' said...

ok so what kind of dirinks were you drinking in #775 :) Love this way of documenting things!!

Sandy said...

wonderful list! Like the thomas', I love to see your week through thanksgivings and I, too, wondered what kind of dirnks you were drinking :-) David and I read, laughed and felt our throats lump up together. #846 He laughed loudly and said, "Bennett's not missing any meals!"
So many great pics...#741, 751, 762...and Bennett with Granny Hester and ______ Julie's brother?
and your dad.

Birds and cicadas? We have birds and cicadas. If you miss them too much just come across the bay
chuckle at peanut butter pie and banana pudding

So Glad you are enjoying your family so much.

We hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow.

Carolina said...

Wow that is great you're so faithful about writing down everything you're thankful for. It sure puts everything into perspective.

First, what an incredible picture you took of Anlon! You are truly such a talented photographer. Then I really like the picture of Jack and Benett, although Jack looks like he wants to steal something from Benett or he's got something up his sleeve!! LOL. It really made me laugh.

And the picture of the butterfly is amazing. you should enter it in a photography contest. I have a story about butterflies I'll share with you later. Thanks for sharing all these things!

Kay K said...

Love listening to the song !!
How blessed you are I love looking at all the many blessing each of us have !!How Awesome

Mama Smors said...

sounds like you had a difficult and very busy week... i hope that you have a good bday this week!!

Traci Michele said...

"That God loves us and knows our hearts" Love it!

Stopping by to follow and say hello! Lovely blog you have!

Love Your Sister In Christ,