I am thankful:
June 14, 2010
311. that I took time to do my quiet time in the morning
312. for the prayer calendars I found on the internet (for husbands and children)
313. for words of encouragement from friends and family
314. for a better day with Bennett
315. for getting through the grocery store before Bennett had a melt down
316. for air conditioning
317. for the blood of Christ
318. for Thai food
319. for the butterfly that caught my eye. He was flying around in my backyard while I was doing dishes
320. for our new electric panel
June 15, 2010
This has been an extremely tough day. Bennett has cried a lot. He is not feeling well and it is driving me crazy.
321. for my conversation with the lactation consultant
322. for my time getting a pedicure while Sam watched Bennett
323. for all of the prayers being said for Sam, Bennett, and I
324. for Kindra and Bethany's encouraging words
325. for Bethany and Kindra offering to watch Bennett
326. for a relaxing dinner at our house with Kindra and Vipul
327. for vanilla wafers and peanut butter
328. for meatball subs
329. for fresh drinking water
330. that I survived today
June 16, 2010
331. for God's steadfast and enduring love
332. for God's forgiveness
333. that I did not have to supplement Bennett with a bottle today
334. for soft, relaxing music
335. for a good, fresh salad
336. for easy access to abundant healthy food
337. for a baby with less gas
338. for Kindra and Bethany's text to check in on me
339. for watching Eli, Issac, and Prema hold Bennett
340. for my sister's voice message
June 17, 2010
341. for Bennett taking 2 naps without being swaddled
342. for PB & J sandwiches
343. for ceiling fans on our porch. It makes sitting outside in the Florida heat more bearable
344. for conversation and laughs over the woes of motherhood with my bestie Sarah
345. for our pleasant dinner at Chipotle
346. for living in an area where we can walk to multiple restaurants, grocery store, drug store, etc. (Our son does not enjoy the car seat)
347. for the ability to laugh with Sam regarding our sons level of crankiness
348. for chips and salsa
349. for blogging - it is a great outlet for me!
350. to get out of the house
June 18, 2010
351. for Fenugreek
352. for a smiling baby
353. for the herbal supplement Fenugreek
354. for our walk on Ballest Point Pier
355. for Fenugreek which helps increase breast milk production
356. for the uniqueness of oak trees
357. did I mention Fenugreek
358. for the multiple resources we have that assist us, comfort us, and humor us during these early stages of parenting
359. oh yeah and in case I forgot,....Fenugreek
360. that His mercies are new every morning
June 19, 2010
361. for corn panckes
362. for time to make sugar cookies with Sam
363. for playing Buzz Word with Sam
364. to feel like a rested, normal human being for a few hours today
365. for seeing my son sit in the Bumbo chair for the first time
366. to know my dad is home (in Nashville) and is going swimming with Sis, Chris, and Braxton today
367. for crockpots
368. for the TV show "Friday Night Lights." It gives Sam and I something to look forward to on a rather monotonous weekend
369. that Sam is on summer work schedule....half day Fridays!!
370. for our walk to and take out dinner from Tunduree
June 20, 2010 FATHER'S DAY
371. for my dad, Bennett Lee, whom I love so much. He has shown me endless love and patience. I wish I were with him today. DADDY, I LOVE YOU BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!!!
372. for my father-in-law, David
373. for my papaw Jim
374. for my papaw Frank
375. for my brother-in-law, Chris
376. for my brother-in-law, Kyle
377. for my husbands first Father's Day
378. for Bennett tolerating the stroller for 15 minutes today (it took some work)
379. for a few hours at the mall alone
380. that a day will come when I will get sleep again
wow! how awesome to put your blessings in print. how precious to see it all so black and white when we take so much for granted!
Yeah for #348!
We all have so much to be thankful for don't we?
Though I haven't yet started my own "Multitude Monday", I really look forward to reading yours each week. Thank you for sharing them.
i used fenugreek too!!!
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