Sam and I had been wanting and trying to plan a long weekend away for months, but things never seemed to work out. We always had something we needed to do at home, or some event we didn't want to miss, or Sam was slammed at work, or we had friends in town, or the weather was terrible, and on and on I could go. We didn't get our long weekend away, but we did venture over to Orlando for the weekend and had a nice, relaxing time. Some of our church friends hooked us up with a swank hotel, so we basically just ate and laid around. Every now and then it is so nice to go and let someone else do everything for you. By everything, I mean cooking and cleaning (that is what I call relaxing).
Now we are just sitting and waiting. Sunday night I had some Braxton-Hicks contractions and Monday I was dilated 1 cm, so at least there has been some progress. In the mean time, I will keep counting down the days till my due date........9 to go. Thankfully we have the NCAA tournament to look forward to and my friend Josh Teater is playing in a golf tournament in Tampa this week.
You all are so close, I can't wait to hear all about the birth and see pictures of your little guy. I meant to tell you as well that I love the nursery! It is a perfect little boys room. :)
I'm so glad you had a little "rest and relax time"...
I'm getting excited now :-)...waiting for that unique little Bennett James person to open his eyes and see Mommy and Daddy and hear your voices through the "outside air", feel the warmth and tightness of your chests and arms surrounding him, taste the sweetness of your milk and sleep with the contentment of a full belly, and the security of mommy and daddy beside him. will pass this final exam with flying colors and have funny stories to tell Bennett :-)
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