I have to admit I am a huge nerd when it comes to birthdays. I have become an even bigger nerd now that I have a husband's birthday to celebrate. The day began with a game known as Buzzword that had to be completed before Sam could open his first gift. The Buzzword was Sock. Here is an example of one clue: An expression used to describe a heavy hit or hard blow. The answer: Sock it to 'em. Sam answered the clues easily, but required several hints for the last one. As a result, he received some new 'Smart Wool' running socks.
When he returned from work we ate a few snacks and he played the match game in order to receive a sports strap for his iPhone. At this point, I had planned to hold his other two gifts until after dinner, but my own suspense got the best of me. Therefore, I gave in and continued to present the next game-Who Wants a Bike? A little background, bikes are crazy expensive and Sam wants a new one, so in order to stick to our budget I needed to come up with a creative way to give him some money towards the purchase. He had an opportunity to win $300 by answering 10 questions in a 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire' format. To say the very least we had a blast, laughed a lot, and Sam got all of his money (thanks Kyle for your 'Phone-A-Friend' answer). Lastly, I had written a 'Mad Lib' about Sam's life that was hysterical (see below). After completion he received his final gift: work boots for bridge inspection.
Sam seen below before going to eat his birthday dinner at Bellini's, which was AWESOME!
The Story of Sam
In 1980 a table was born to Sandy and David Cullum. They kicked him Samuel Spike Lee. He grew up in Florida where he played snowmobile and grizzly bear. His parents taught him the ways of the Lord, so that he would fully rely on Jim-Bob for the rest of his life. He went on to deflower football at a small college in Pennsylvania. While there he injuried his olfactory gland which led him to 7-11. He spent the next several years building relationships, fishing from injuries, getting idyllic, and earning three college degrees. In 2048 he met a cold, fiery, amazing girl who was so amazing that he was scared to ask her out until Febuary 2007. They quickly ran in love and were married 20,803 months later at South Pole in Wilmore, KY. After five months of buffalo dip he realizes he couldn't live without her, especially since she is such a beautiful birthday gift giver. (HA HA HA)
Happy 28th Birthday Sam!! After dinner, we ate lemon cake that was filled with Key Lime mousse. YUM!!! (thanks Amy)
Saturday night Ben and Brittany joined us for more cake and pumpkin carving after they took Sam to dinner.
That was great, Amber! - I was hoping you'd let us know something about the birthday celebration, since it was easy to see how much you were anticipating it.
Thanks for reminding me that those creative touches that cost time and effort instead of money are the things that make the celebration so fun and memorable.
Great pumpkin carvings!
Love the birthday celebration ideas! They were very creative! Love the pumpkin too! Hope you and Sam had a great Halloween!!! Miss ya. -Sarah
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